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Reference number: 3513

Date: 1960

Director: [filmed by Nan Taggart]

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 16.45 mins

Description: Footage of various diving expeditions taken by a sub aqua Club in and around Scotland.

Taggart family owned a granite yard up until 1956 when they sold up, bought a farm at Marywell on Deeside and moved from the city to the rural life. Both mother, Nannie, and daughter Nan, chronicled the early years of their new lives on the farm on film. Nan Taggart and cousin Glen Ross interviewed about the films on THE WAY IT WAS, Grampian TV, transmitted October / November 1994.

Shotlist: [col] Title. May Craig shots of men and women with diving equipment and wet suits on, going into shallow sea, shot of woman preparing tea/coffee for divers from a flask (1.21) Alton Braes shots of men in the sea in diving equipment, c/u shot of lobster, shot of woman helping man take off his wet suit (1.59) Bonnie Shore shot of men and women pitching a tent beside a cove, shot of man hammering tent pegs with large rock (2.27) shot of men getting into wet suits, shot of man entering water with large underwater camera set-up (3.10) shot of sea anenome and crab (3.18) Easter Weekend at Collieston shots of tents pitched beside the sea, shot of houses and rocks surrounding the sea (3.40) shot of people exiting tents, shot of empty beer bottles lying on the ground; shot of men inside tent talking (4.12) shots of people making breakfast, a woman peeling an orange, shots of people eating breakfast, shots of men shaving; shot of women washing frying pan and dishes outside tents on the ground; shots of members of the club talking and fixing the tent ropes, (5.44) shots of men with their wet suits and diving equipment entering the sea (6.11) shot of man offering camera person cigarette, shot of men coming out of sea, shot of men being helped out of wet suits; people relaxing at the site (7.02) shots of men washing dishes (7.06) shots of men in diving suits preparing for diving expedition, shots of people on a pier watching them (8.36) Broadhaven(Old Slains) shot of rocks and hills facing onto the sea, shots of aqua club members heading down toward the sea (9.03) shot of woman cooking pancake on a frying pan on an open fire, shot of woman eating pancake and giving a thumbs up sign to camera (9.32) shots of rough waves battering the shore, shots of woman in diving equipment entering the sea with companions, shots of waves (10.24) Pennan shots of a tent pitched beside a beach, shots of men hammering in piece of wood with mallet (10.47) shot of kitten eating a young rabbit; shots of woman preparing cockles, shot of woman and man playing chess (11.09) shots of diving members entering the sea, shot of some members in a dingy, shot of man coming out of sea toward camera holding a snapper (11.36) shot of boy holding dead lobster (11.58) brief shot of bonfire (11.54) Newtonhill shots of club members gutting fish, preparing for another dive (12.30) shot of boy holding pike; shots of wet suits drying in the sun, shot of boy sunbathing and applying sun cream, shot of man holding crab (12.49) On Board M.V. Jubilee N.N.E. of Aberdeen shots of aqua club members on a trawler, shots of person in full diving equipment entering sea by climbing off the boat, shot of man reading; shots of members eating, sleeping and reading on the boat (14.18) Six Weeks Later shots of diving equipment being loaded onto trawler, shots of members aboard the trawler, shots of people preparing for a dive from the trawler (15.43) shot of member jumping into sea, shot of crab and crustacean found in sea, shot from side of trawler of the waves, The End (16.45)