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Reference number: 0146

Date: 1953c

Director: filmed by Nettie McGavin

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 11.00 mins

Description: A holiday film in Ceylon, with visits to Colombo, and Kandy.

Entered in the Scottish Amateur Film Festival of 1955, educational category.

Paper records held relating to this film at the National Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive 2/3/42

One of a number of films made by Nat and Nettie McGavin, of McGavin’s Tea, during company business trips to tea producing countries.

Shotlist: [Shotlisted at different speed. Actual timing is 11.00 mins @ 18 fps]

Credits (.07) Ceylon. shots of coast. Colombo. shots of road into city and docks (1.50) Kandy, the ancient capital. Shots of market stalls and general scenes (3.08) Botanical Gardens. cocoa and coconut trees (4.22) Preparing the rice fields. Shots of ploughing and seedlings being planted. Elephants bathing in river after work (6.47) Ruined cities, 2000 years old. Giant carvings of Buddha. Shrine containing ancient relics (8.35) Nuwara Eliya. Shots of tea-picking (9.30)