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Video 2

Joe Harper talks about life at Aberdeen FC, over shots of a training session including a young Alex McLeish and Gordon Strachan. (clip - full length available onsite)

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Reference number: N0026

Date: 1979

Production company: Grampian Television

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 10.57 mins

Description: Short interview with various Scottish sportsmen and women.

Shotlist: Short int. scene of the Clydesdale Bank, with teller Muriel Thomson in v/o (0.27) i/v talking head Muriel, a golfer, talking about difficulties with her training and her recent performance, including the Helen Holm Championship (1.56) blank, leader (2.05); Joe Harper training, shots of him with his family; training with the team (4.18) blank, leader (4.29); A Highland Games athlete talking about his MBE award and trophies, pan over collected trophies; exts. athlete throwing caber etc; man standing by his trophy cabinet (6.09) blank, leader (6.18); Nairn McEwan, coach Scottish Rugby team in his office [an ornamental Japanese sword sits on his desk]; exts. Nairn MacEwan Sportswear Ltd. intercut with ints. Mr MacEwans' shop, typing pool and ints. sportswear workshop, women working at sewing machines (8.56) blank, leader (9.05); Bobby Clark with his family (10.21).