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Reference number: 8931

Date: 1992

Director: filmed by Brian Green

Sponsor: Strathclyde Regional Council Education Ayr Division

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 11.42 mins

Description: Promotional video for Glaisnock Outdoor Educational Centre, with voice over. Promotion of Glaisnock Coalmining themed Coalmining residential course for standard grade history pupils.

Credits: ed. Brian Green, Greenwood Teachers' Centre
Strathclyde Education, Strathclyde Regional Council, Ayr Division

Shotlist: [shotlisted from mp4 file using VLC media player]

colour bars, black (.39) Strathclyde EDUCATION AYR DIVISION (.45) STANDARD GRADE HISTORY (.53) c/u photo miner; workbook (1.09) exts. mine head and Glaisnock House; c/u sign "Glaisnock Outdoor Education Centre" (1.40) montage children working through practical historical exercises at centre, handling artefacts, visiting sites and dressing up (2.46) INVESTIGATING SKILLS (2.48) THE CUMNOCK AND DISTRICT MINING TRAIL (2.53) c/u map of same (3.11) gv's unid. guide speaks to school group wearing wellies and weatherproofs, before leading them into an underground limestone mine (4.46) gv's children measure circumference of mine pillars (5.19) ls group; c/u workbook illustration of pillar and kiln; mws kiln, brief shots unid. guide and group (5.50) cu's photo's illustrating Knockshinnoch mining disaster September 1950 (6.03) gv's children visiting cemetery intercut c/u photo's (6.39) iv Mr McKnight speaks about his involvement in the rescue effort for Knockshinnoch, with shots children sitting around his living room, one boy keeping an eye on an interpreter for the deaf, kneeling by Mr Knight's chair (7.31) gv's Burnside, a deserted village, children investigating houses (7.55) montage children's visit to Wanlockhead (8.13) ls actor, plays part of John Bell, miner; intercut shots children walking through mine (8.40) montage children looking at museum exhibits (9.12) gv's costumed children listen to an actress describes mining family life in museum room and outside (10.08) exts. cemetery; ints. children speak about mine objects (10.57) gv's children using Mac computers to view educational material [iv girl about course in v/o] (11.17) iv girl speaks about enjoying course (11.32) ecs (11.42)