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Reference number: 8923

Date: 1991

Director: filmed by Brian Green

Production company: AV department Greenwood Teacher’s Centre

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 19.09 mins

Description: Kalamandalam Vijayakumar leads a Kathakali workshop with children. A solo female performance is followed by a section of a story from Mahabharata, with a detailed introduction. Includes backstage scenes of performers preparation in makeup and dress.

From East Ayrshire and North Ayrshire Video / Education Archive.

Credits: ed. Brian Green A.V. Department Greenwood Teachers' Centre

Kala Chethena Kathakali Troupe

Shotlist: [shotlisted from mp4 file using VLC media player]

colour bars, grey, black (.36) gv's Kalamandalam Vijayakumar speaking to class (1.34) c/u he demonstrates facial expression and movement before showing same for hands, brief shots boy copying and smiling (2.04) ls man sings phrases unaccompanied (2.36) close shots man applying red makeup (3.08) c/u dancers' face, close shots make up being applied to resting dancer's face by Kalamandalam Barbara Vijayakumar (4.20) gv's drummers tuning to a note given by a flute (5.10) close shots applying makeup (5.42) gv's dancer dressing and painting her fingertips red, intercut performance (7.18) c/u make-up (7.33) close shots musicians (8.11) c/u KV applies makeup [posterised effect]; audience (8.54) c/u performer to ls Barbara at mic. who outlines important expressions of the dance, with demonstration from KV (10.56) excerpt from performance [posterised/strobe effect] (13.50) ls Barbara introduces story from the Mahabharata (14.49) close shots Princess character (16.15) ls Hunter [posterised/strobe effect] (18.23) series of stills of the performance (18.57) ecs (19.09)