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Reference number: 7618

Date: 2006

Director: d. Hugo Cuellar

Sponsor: Cineworks in association with Scottish Screen and BBC Scotland

Producer: Madevi Dailly

Production company: Red Kite Animations / GMAC

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 9.06 mins

Description: A small fly is blamed for vicious cannibal attacks in Insect City. Can he untangle the web of deceit that has fallen over the city? [synopsis from Scottish Screen brochure "New Films, New Talent, Best of Scottish Shorts 2006]

View this film online at http://redkite-animation.com/_redkite/projects/famine/[last accessed 18/3/2013]

Hugo Cuellar comments: "I've always liked Film Noir and I wanted to create something similar and different at the same time. The idea to have insects in a thriller came to me as a desire to make the characters as uniquely grotesque, weird and funny as the story allowed. The result is possibly one of the weirdest short stories I've written." [from BBC Film Network website - information no longer accessible online]

Winner of the Audience Award at the Merchant City Festival (Glasgow)

Cineworks: Commissions five short films a year by new filmmakers in the genres of drama, documentary and animation. Funded by Scottish Screen National Lottery Fund, UK Film Council and BBC Scotland. Includes a training programme.

Credits: GMAC presents a Cineworks production in association with Scottish Screen and BBC Scotland

w. Hugo Cuellar
animat. Laura Bendoris
compositor Alasdair Brotherston
with the voices of Neil Kempsell and Lara Bendoris
m. Leila Dunn
ed. Mark Jenkins
dubbing ed. Travis Reeves
sd. design John Cobban
post production ARC Facilities

Thanks to Edinburgh College of Art
Special thanks to Marcia Cuellar

exec. p. for Redkite Ken Anderson
exec. p. for GMAC David Smith and Karen O'Hare

Cineworks, Redkite, Scottish Screen Lottery Funded, BBC Scotland

© GMAC Cineworks 2005 / Red Kite Animations