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GLASGOW TRAMS, 21 May 1960
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1961 | col | sound

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Reference number: 6572

Date: 1963

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 4.42 mins

Description: Amateur short in which Edinburgh Cine Society members unwittingly assist a train robber wanted by police when he crashes his car outside ECS in Fettes Row, Edinburgh.

Shotlist: ECS logo, title, ext ECS door. Int, men decorating, people seated reading magazines. Everybody rushes outside onto steps. C/u front grill of white car apparantly crashed beneath gas lamp. RAC and AA badges, reg 478 GNM. Man in dark glasses slumped out of window. People rush to help and carry injured man into ECS. He has a cut on his head which women bandage - huge bandage - and give him a cigarette. C/u tea being made and passed to victim. C/u empty cup of tea, packet of cigarettes and cigarette end in ashtray. Women help man out of his seat and into small auditorium. Screen curtains pull back, clock above 7.50. C/u's man in dark laughing, clock again, 8.50. Audience in dark, lights come up and people leave room. Car crash man shakes hands as he leaves, takes out his wallet and puts generous cash donation to ECS in box. Everybody on steps waving as man drives off down Fettes Row. People go back inside and settle down with newspapers and magazines. C/u Scottish Daily Mail headline 'Train Robbery - Police seek Frank Walker'. C/u large notes in ECS donation box. The End.