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1965 | col | silent
1964 | col | silent
1963 | col | silent

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Reference number: 3519

Date: 1962 / 1964

Director: [filmed by Nan Taggart]

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 16.00 mins

Description: Film of caravan site undergoing reconstruction.

Taggart family owned a granite yard up until 1956 when they sold up, bought a farm at Marywell on Deeside and moved from the city to the rural life. Both mother, Nannie, and daughter Nan, chronicled the early years of their new lives on the farm on film. Nan Taggart and cousin Glen Ross interviewed about the films on THE WAY IT WAS, Grampian TV, transmitted October / November 1994.

Shotlist: [Please note first part of this film runs at 20fps and second part 18fps. Shotlisted at 24fps]

[col]shot of sign for Marywell Caravan site, shots of caravans and tents on site(0.54)On the Caravan Site during the holiday season - May to September of 1958 - 59 - 60 - 61 - until 1962 shots of caravans and motor homes on the site, shots of gardens, shots of family sitting outside caravan with small children playing in tin bath(1.43)shot of people sunbathing outside caravans(2.19)June 1962, Progress on the Caravan Site. shots of gardens of site, shots of workmen using wheelbarrows, making cement, shots of trench with pipe in it, shots workmen installing cables in ground(4.20)shots of caravans with mounds of earth in the background(4.40)The New Toilet Block The Builders start on the foundations on Wednesday, June 19th, 1962.shots of tractor being used to uplift earth (5.02)shot of building plans(5.07)shots of foundation layout for toilet block, shots of men laying bricks for the walls, shots of cement being made(6.06)At the end of one week the walls are up:- Tuesday, 26th June 1962.shots of men up ladders looking at plans, shots of workmen installing windows and doors, shots of corrogated roof (7.11) Tuesday, 3rd July 1962. Now the roof is onand the inside walls are being cemented.shots of men making cement and pasting it onto walls, shots of men digging drain around building, shots of building tools, shots of men pebbledashing walls, shots of men applying putty to window frames, shots of door frames being placed, shots of gutter brackets being screwed into place(9.14)shots of workman sweeping out floor of building, shot of toilet door and inside toilet, with shots of sink and toilet, shots of toilet door being painted, shots of partially completed building, shots of workmen soldering taps and pipes, more shots of walls being cemented(10.17)The Holiday season is with us again and the Caravans and Campers - July - August 1962. shots of caravans and tents, shots of holidaymakers on the site, shot of man with large poodle(10.46)shot of man washing dishes in outside sink, shot of man with device for carrying milk urn, shots of holidaymakers sunbathing on ground outside caravan(11.02)shot of kittens playing on mat(11.24)Our first Residential is sited during September 1962. shots of static caravan on the site, shots of other caravans on the site(12.07)By September 1968, we have 15 Residential Caravans and mobile homes on completed sites. shots of Land Rover towing static caravan onto site, shots of other static caravans(13.45) - and by January 1964 access roads, are made and trees and shrubs planted.shots of men planting trees, and flowers, shots of men digging holes for washing poles, shots of caravans on the site(14.24)1964 March = sheds erected - May = borders planted - July = flowers blooming - August = Roads tarred - September = Street lights up - October = 30 sites full! shots of completed caravan site with flowers and gardens, shot of woman sitting in deck chair in garden(15.14)shots of younger woman eating cherries, shots of caravan site with people walking round, shots of site as night falls, shots of man coming out of caravan(15.58)The End (16.00)