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1963 | col | silent New video
1961 | col | silent
1964 | col | silent
1960 | col | silent
1960 | col | silent

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Reference number: 3162

Date: 1959 - 1964

Director: [filmed by Andrew Broom]

Sound: silent

Original format: std. 8mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 20.29 mins

Description: A rail journey on the West Highland Line, the paddle steamer 'Jeannie Deans’ on her last summer in operation, an Edinburgh Students' parade and shots the second last Bonspiel to be held on the Lake of Menteith. Final sequences of a party of novice climbers on Creag a Chalamain include shots of Dougal Haston instructing the group.

Shotlist: [1963] train journey to Arrochar on the West Highland Line, commencing at Helensburgh Upper with tracking shots of the Gareloch, Whistlefield Station, Ardgoil peninsula, Loch Long, the Cobbler (1.42)Arrochar village; [1959] double-headed steam train; [No. 44702] (Black 5 loco) entering Arrochar and Tarbet Station showing the 'tablet' being exchanged; porter moving luggage as passengers alight at Arrochar and Tarbet Station; panning shot of "Observation Car", tail carriage with large windows; arrival of two-coach 'push-pull' steam train [No. 67474]; ms driver leaning on the door of his open cab; (3.15) shots of man standing by railway with a camera; pan passing steam train; man with camera walking along tracks (3.55) [1964] PS 'Jeanie Deans' leaving Arrochar on her last summer of operation, with the peak of the Cobbler in b/g.; c/u children watching the paddles gain speed as Jeanie Deans moves away from the pier (5.40) [1960] Examination of a dilapidated kirk session volume prior to conservation inside General Register House, Edinburgh; the ragged pages are held up to the light individually [statue of Duke of Wellington is visible through the window]; c/u a slightly crumpled page is unfolded and flattened by hand; the volume is carefully stacked and straightened (6.33) [1959] Edinburgh Students' Charities Parade, led by a pipe band; decorated floats, including "Absolutely No Room at the Top", a many legged "monster", c/u papier mache head (8.00) [1960-'63] Forth Road Bridge under construction, including a tracking shot crossing the rail bridge showing the ferries below and the new bridge deck emerging; shots of new bridge structure, North Queensferry in f/ground (12.26) shots of cars driving onto the ferry, past advertising billboards, pan over unfinished bridge; ms ferry "Queen Margaret" leaving (13.41) ferry arriving; c/u board listing "Queensferry Passage Tolls and Charges"; tracking shots from ferry showing the bridges, and passengers on the ferry; tracking shot from car driving off the ferry (15.26) [Jan. 1963] curling Grand Match, North v South, Lake of Menteith; shots of gathering people, some trailing curling stones; games, some participants wearing brightly coloured caps and kilts (17.15) man taking a small dram; match being overseen by older man wearing club badge [Royal Caledonian Curling Club?] (18.36) [1963] Glenmore Lodge: Scottish Council for Physical Recreation introductory course in rock climbing - sequences taken on a face in Creag a Chalamain, with brief shots of Dougal Haston abseiling. (20.29)