A man trapped under a petrol tanker is rescued by the Civil Defence Corps. Copyright: South Lanarkshire Council (clip)

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1960 | bw | sound
1963 | bw | silent
1962 | col | silent
1963 | col | mute
1963 | col | silent

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Reference number: 2990

Date: 1961c

Director: filmed by William Stewart

Sponsor: Lanark County Council Civil Defence

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 22.46 mins

Description: A Civil Defence training session at the Lanarkshire Civil Defence HQ, showing a variety of rescue techniques.

Credits: ed. Wm. Stewart
camera Graeme C Stewart
exercise director A Nolan; ass. exercise directors J C Caldow, C Laird
effects J M B Derrick
County Convenor Edward Daly ; Civil Defence Officer Inspector Robert Stewart

Shotlist: credits (0.46) This film has been made to show a typical situation that may confront Civil Defences Corps in wartime or in peacetime (1.08) gvs "casualties" lying in smoking rubble, c/us of wound makeup (2.44) ints. Patrol Post; discussion between CDC volunteers (3.15) volunteers find injured and apply first aid; identify electrical supplies (3.47) CDC van arrives, and several volunteers emerge carrying blankets; group shot (4.21) First aid corps member talks to woman from Patrol Post, consulting a chart; same First-Aider speaks to trainees? (4.59) gvs first aid to casualties of crushing and other injuries; dressing a leg wound; "TX" is written on casualty's forehead (6.19) dressing a head wound (7.03) carrying a child in a fireman's lift (7.14) Rescue teams arrive; consult Patrol Post chart (8.24) gvs rescues; rescue of a casualty crushed under a boiler, using an air pump to raise it; carrying a child away from the wreckage; rescue team member and boy in make-up (9.37) preparing a stretcher; stretcher is pushed under casualty's raised body (10.54) rescue from a first storey using an improvised ladder as a lever, lowering a stretcher to the ground with ropes (12.21) rescue from second storey; Corps members use planks collected from ruins to stabilise the building's wall; man using gas torch to remove railings; hook suspended from 'A' frame; c/u makeshift platform taking shape on wall (15.58) Patrol Post (16.43) victim on second storey is lowered through platform to ground (18.03) rescue from first storey, lowered by rope (19.25) another stretcher lowered by rope (20.17) another stretcher is levered out of a first floor window to the ground (21.38) rescue teams leave the site (22.25) ms derelict terrace (22.37) The End (22.46)