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Reference number: 2601

Date: 1968

Director: d. Ted Williamson

Production company: Scottish Television

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 34.08 mins

Description: A history of the SCWS movement to mark the centenary of its founding.

Part of a collection given to Dennis Dick from a widow whose husband had been a projectionist and possibly had had something to do with the SCWS.

See also ref. T0845. [These in fact look to be the same film - undergoing a catalogue check at July 2008]

Credits: sd. Len Southam, Garry Coleman, Geoff Robertson
sd. ed. Fred Bull
res. John Black
cam. Bill Scott, Harry Bridges, Mario Ford
w. Charles Gormley
ed. Bill Robertson

Shotlist: Int. SCWS Centenary House, Glasgow with shots of a cleaner cleaning the boardroom (1.36) brass band on roof of building [title overlaid] (2.37) shots of women typing in a typing pool, and on the telephone exchange; men and women working in an open plan office (4.05) int. computer room (4.43) management drinking coffee and reading newspapers in coffee room (6.12) directors in boardroom (7.15) gvs village of Fenwick [where idea for SCWS began] (7.23) shots of a hand loom (7.53) stills of Victorian Scotland and archive footage of hunger marchers of '20s and '30s, with shots of soup kitchens, intercut with two men reminiscing about what it was like in those days (13.32) ext. Co-op shops (13.44) talking head trade unionist and Co-op Society board member talking about purpose of Co-op Movement intercut with int. shots of Co-op shops (1.459) int. Co-op supermarket (16.14) talking head Profesor Carberry, of Strathclyde University talking about the movement intercut with shots of shopping centres (18.50) ext. Glasgow South Co-op shop (19.08) int. large Co-op store in Edinburgh (20.08) shots of Argyll region Co-op van on road in Highlands (21.12) shots of Scottish SCWS brass band in rehearsal intercut with shots of cows on milking machine (22.09) ext. and int. Allan Water Hotel, Bridge of Allan (22.49) int. shots of women in factory at sewing machines, pressing shirts, shots of newspaper 'Scottish Co-operator' coming off the press (23.22) talking head James Smith Marshall, General Manager of SCWS, intercut with shots of meat hanging (24.04) shots of soft drink factory (24.35) talking head manager (25.20) int. Co-op knitwear factory with women working machinery etc. (26.22) ext. factory (26.38) int. biggest funeral business in Europe with shots of coffins being hand built (27.47) interview with a graduate student training at the Co-op College, Loughborough (30.06) talking head James Marshall talking about the diverse interests of SCWS, intercut with int. of their old flour mill and ext. and int. of their new flour mill in Leith (33.17) ecs (34.08)