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Title: FIBRE WEB, the

Reference number: 2040

Date: 1964

Director: d. Henry Cooper

Sponsor: Tullis Russell

Production company: Campbell Harper Films Ltd.

Sound: sound

Original format: 35mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 21.32 mins

Description: The processing of the raw materials required for paper-making and some of the end products.

See also ref. 4088

Credits: p. Alan Harper
comm. s. Kennith Horne
comm.w. Clifford Hanley
composed and conducted by Arthur Blake ph. Ian Kennedy
ph.ass. Bruce Mitchell, Brian Easton
add. ph. and effects Bill Harrington

Shotlist: No opening credits. shots of trees and tree-felling in Scotland (0.45) l/s industrial chimneys (0.49) gvs of the Black Wood of Rannoch, and man looking at saplings on hill (1.39) shot of paper-making machine (1.45) shots of trees and their trunks (2.00) shots of diagrams of fibre, and shot of fibre as seen under a microscope (2.13) credits (2.21) shots of models of all the different kinds of trees and plants used to make paper (2.42) shots of printing factory and presses (2.58) shots of china, glass and porcelain decorated with paper transfers (3.07) shots of paper used for insulation in cables with high electric strength and low power, and as a dialectric in electronic circuits (3.16) shot of men in a television room (3.22) l/s transmitter aerials (3.25) shot of train coming round bend (3.33) before and after shots of paper used to make formica tops - in production and in the kitchen (3.45) shots of miners (3.47) shot of motorcyclist putting on helmet (3.50) shots of boxes and cases (3.55) shot of paper being stamped, moulded and machined (3.58) shot of waves breaking on a beach (4.04) aerial shot of Tullis Russell mills of Ochmontie and Rothes at Markinch in Fife (4.14) pan shots of same. Panning shots of a twin-wire machine (4.38) pan shots of the extractors and men working same and emptying pulp (5.03) shot of man operating fork-lift truck with wood-fibre sheets of paper on it; paper being carried off by conveyor belt (5.18) gvs fibre digestors (5.40) shots of lightning rain, waterfall (5.50) shots of paper refining and production (7.14) diagrams of same - shot of fibre web of paper as seen under a microscope (7.50) more shots of paper production, including twin-wire paper (9.52) shots of printed maps (10.18) and educational books for Africa (10.30) shots of African school-children (10.41) shots of Wellington University in New Zealand (10.49) shots of St. Andrews University (11.04) shot of Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney University (11.19) shot of Thames in London and l/s of St. Paul's Cathedral (11.25) shots of ships in dock and raw materials coming in from Melbourne (11.39) panning shot of the 'Queen Elizabeth' liner (11.50) shots of books and pictures, postcards, playing cards, album index paper (12.56) shot of man smoothing down huge roll of paper (13.02) shots of paper - in string, in sand-paper, in transfers for china and signs (13.50) shots of paper being converted into vulcanised fibre (14.02) shot of Haig's Gold Label Whisky bottle label and man drinking whisky (14.10) shots of paper - as folders and protective paper for the X-ray negative in medicine (14.40) shot of lightproof backing paper for photographs (14.57) shots of process of using paper to make cheques - sensitised paper with magnetisable ink (15.23) C.B.S. Security check machine shot (15.44) shots of insulated cables of telex network and network itself (16.40) shot of paper used to insulate an oil filled high-voltage cable (17.07) shots of a multi-core cable being laid up (17.32) and tested with high voltages (17.49) shots of the Vancouver project in operation - cable being laid under the sea between Vancouver Island and the main land (18.11) shots of women insulating cables in a factory (18.27) shots of porcelain casing over paper, and a shot of a large bushing which carries high voltages - insulated by paper (19.03) shots of types of cable transformer transmission and electric pylons (19.07) shots of power station (?) and industrial chimneys (19.11) shot of a 'Parsons transformer' (19.40) shot of captain of ship looking through telescope; an aeroplane flying over; and a rocket launch (19.59) more shots of a paper-mill (20.32) shots of cargo being unloaded (20.35) more shots of the Black Wood of Rannoch and Loch Rannoch (20.59) credits (21.32)