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Title: SMIDDY, at the / ROAD TO BRAEMAR, the

Reference number: 1727

Date: 1947

Director: [filmed by John Todd]

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 7.05 mins

Description: Account of scenic journey past the Devil's Elbow to Braemar and the arrival of the Royal family to the Braemar Highland games. Film includes a short sequence at the 'smiddy'.

Section of original film - remainder of reel not selected for the Archive. A longer and more complete version of THE ROAD TO BRAEMAR is at Ref: 6784.

Devil's Teeth were tank traps erected c. 1940 when there were fears of invasion and key road points were blocked to tanks.

Shotlist: Credits. Just a short sequence at the Smiddy. Grange (.05); Farm horse outside the smiddy (.15); Inside the smiddy the blacksmith shoes a horse (1.03); Sunday morning. Shots inside blacksmith's house as family rise, cook and eat breakfast and prepare to leave for church (2.17); Brief shot of road away from house (2.18); - Blank - (2.33); THE ROAD TO BRAEMAR. In Glenshee. By 7 am on "Braemar Day" the traffic has invaded the quiet Perthshire glen. Shots of buses on the road (2.50); The Devil's Elbow. General views of buses and cars turning bends on the road (3.41); Some people prefer to walk and enjoy the highland air whilst the vehicles negotiate the Elbow. Shots of groups of people on the road. General views of traffic. General views of road with the traffic negotiating hairpin bends. Long shot from top looking back down hillside (5.00); From south to north. Long shot across to hillside as traffic climbs up and around bends in road (5.17); The Devil's Teeth. Long shot showing two rows of tank obstacles built during World War II (5.28); And so to Braemar. Brief shot of road winding away (5.35); The Royal Gathering. Braemar Gathering 1947. Thousands were there from far and near. General views of crowds and cars at the open air ground. Piper plays for dancers (6.26); Brief shot of newsreel film camera and general views of crowds (6.31); The great moment is here. Shot of newsreel camera and cameraman. Crowd shots (6.45); Pipes and drums. Royal party arrive. King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and the Princesses Margaret and Elizabeth are greeted by officials. (7.05); [Incomplete. Remainder of reel not copied for Archive]
(see also a longer and more complete version at Ref 6784)