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Title: BRIDGE TOWN, the

Reference number: 1676

Date: 1956

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 9.17 mins

Description: A look at the river Clyde, its bridges, ships, and buildings and traffic along its banks.

Credits: p. John C. Elder
G B Instructional Ltd presents Junior Activity Films produced by John C Elder FRGS
Following the River No 3 Distributed by G B Equipments Ltd

Shotlist: Credits (0.13). Next day Margaret, George and I left the orchards and passed through a district of works and coal mines (0.21). Long shots of children looking at factories over the fields (0.35). Medium shot of children looking at coal mine (0.46). On the outskirts of the town we boarded a tram (0.54). Shots of children in Glasgow in tram (1.21). The tram went past villas ... (1.23). Shots of same ... through a district of tenement buildings where thousands of people live ... Shots of same ...into the busy shopping centre (2.00). Shots of children getting out of tram and going into house (2.19); After leaving our coats and bags at our lodgings we set off to see the river (2.25); Shots of children walking through Sauchiehall Street (2.53). George wanted to look at the shops with models and instruments (2.58). Shots of children looking in shop-window (3.09); We all enjoyed some time spent among books (3.13). Shots of children in bookshop (3.26). Near the river the traffic was different (3.30); Shot of Glasgow street with horses and carts carrying barrels (3.58). Shot of George V (?) Bridge (4.13). Shots of River Clyde from bridge (4.18). The last bridge over the river was very different from the little plank bridge we had crossed near the source (4.27); Shots of King George V and railway bridge behind it (4.51). Shots of boats on river (7.56). At the riverside quays we saw coastal ships being loaded (5.00). Long shot of river and shots of cargo being loaded onto steamship (5.54). And watched one sail outward bound for Ireland (5.58). Shot of ferry sailing down the Clyde (6.45); Shots of children looking at boats (7.05). At a quay where ocean going ships berth we met an officer of an Atlantic Liner (7.10). Shots of Officer taking the children on board to show them the skip:- shots of decks etc (8.33). After visiting the bridge we watched the cargo of grain being sucked up pipes into the Granary (8.29). Shots of same (8.52). We were invited to return three days later when the ship would be leaving for America and sail down river with the Pilot. (9.00); Shots of children waving goodbye (9.06). Credits (9.17).