STOBHILL HOSPITAL: The Story of a Modern Hospital

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Video 2

In a state-of-the-art operating theatre a surgeon puts on gloves from a bowl of disinfectant, gowned and gloved, instruments are ready on trays and the patient is wheeled in for an operation. (clip - full length available onsite)

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1934 | bw | sound
1938 | bw | silent
1938 | bw | sound
1938 | bw | silent

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Title: STOBHILL HOSPITAL: The Story of a Modern Hospital

Reference number: 1347

Date: 1938

Sponsor: Glasgow Corporation Public Health Department

Production company: Campbell Harper

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 35.10 mins

Description: The work of a modern hospital with shots 'behind the scenes' showing the kitchens, dispensary, telephone switchboard and nurses relaxing off-duty.

Part of hire stock of former Public Health Department of Glasgow Corporation.

Credits: ph. and ed. Alan Harper
p. J. Campbell Harper

Shotlist: [shotlist retimed from speed corrected tape, manual control track]

title and credits (0.31) Sickness and accident are emergencies against which every community must be prepared. Stobhill is but one of the hospitals provided by Glasgow Corporation for the benefit of its citizens and the fulfilment of the noblest of traditions... the alleviation of suffering and pain (1.02) The hospital has 2,000 beds and treats almost every disease from which the human body can suffer - except the infectious diseases. Exteriors of Stobhill hospital (1.44) But there are more than wards in a hospital. Pan down from chimney stack to steam locomotive and wagons delivering coal (2.27) Gvs interior generator building as men operate controls (2.51) Shots in laundry during process of cleaning and women working in laundry (3.30) Woman operates steam press to iron sheets, etc (3.48) Women at sewing machines stitching nurses' uniforms (4.17) The kitchen where 8,000 meals are prepared each day. Gvs women in kitchen taking food out of ovens, etc (4.53) Orderly wheels food trolley out of kitchen along the corridors and into ward kitchen. Nurses dishes out the food, shots of patient eating (5.31) The hospital store. Gvs orderlies. Shots of various boxes of fruit and veg, etc (6.03) There is a large well equipped dispensary able to supply almost every known drug or type of appliance. Pharmacists at work (7.05) The telephone room, nerve centre of the hospital. Lines inter-connecting all departments. Switchboard operator at work (7.30); People in various situations answer the telephone (7.45) The record office where the medical records of each patient are classified and filed. Gvs office procedure (8.33) Excellent facilities are available for the training of nurses in both the general and special branches of their profession. Nurses in lecture room, at bed-making practice (9.51) In the cookery class (10.35) A nurse's life is not all work. Group of nurses relax in garden (11.11) And the maids are not forgotten. Nurses have tea in garden and relax on the tennis court (11.55) But the real purpose of the entire hospital is treatment. Immediately on admission patients are examined and any emergency treatment given before transference to the allotted ward. Ambulance arrives, patient is carried in on stretcher and examined by doctor (13.08) Stretcher is wheeled through corridor to ward (13.23) In the ward nurses settle the patient (13.35) Gvs daily routine of ward and shots of patients. Children in ward (15.12) Some of the special departments. Shots of dentist, chiropodist, Ear, Nose and Throat - ENT (16.00) The up to date maternity section where 1,300 births take place every year. Mother-to-be is wheeled into the labour ward (16.46) Nurse bathes new baby. Shots of babies, doctor examines baby (17.27) [End of Part 1]

(0.00) [no credits] The Marion Reid Home for the care of babies and very young children Exterior of home (0.22) Gvs nurses with babies and toddlers playing on grass (1.13) Nurse baths baby (1.31) Nurses settle babies into cots (1.54) X-ray department, a mobile x-ray unit enables photographs to be taken in any of the wards. Technician wheels x-ray unit into ward. Nurse sets up the machine (2.32) But most of the x-ray work is done in the special department. Male patient stands in front of machine and his chest is x-rayed (3.23) Shot of resultant image. Gvs process for taking various x-ray photos (4.49) Doctor examines results (5.17) The surgical operating theatre. Meticulous care is taken to ensure the theatre and its equipment being perfectly sterile. Nurse sterilises instruments and gvs preparations for surgery, doctors 'scrub up' with care (7.58) Patient is brought in on stretcher (8.26) Gvs doctors during operation (9.22) The surgeon works in close collaboration with the laboratory where diseased tissue is examined. Shot of specimen (9.52) The tissue requires elaborate preparation before the pathologist can examine it by microscope. Gvs lab tests (12.23) The bacteriological department of the laboratory. Here, the germs causing disease are investigated and identified... Gvs lab processes (14.02) It is the result of such diligent labour... aided by modern science... guided by the skill of the medical profession... that makes it possible for a patient Nurse feeds very weak patient (14.38) ... to win back, gradually nurse washes patient in bed, combs his hair (15.24) .. his former good health and resume his place as a happy and useful citizen. Patient reads in bed, goes in wheelchair to reading room (note that one man in the reading room is smoking a cigarette) (16.41) Patients walk in grounds, sit and chat, read, etc (17.12) Exterior hospital building, pan to clock tower (17.38) The End (17.43)