Video 1

Full length video - full length available onsite

Video 2

MOD Festival at SECC Glasgow, 1988. (clip - full length available onsite)

Video 3

Views of Glasgow Garden Festival and City Centre in 1988. (clip - full length available onsite)

Video 4 (currently displayed video)

Sandness Mill, Shetland, knitting and fashion display. (clip - full length available onsite)

Video 5

50th anniversary of Mercury seaplane and unveiling of monument. (clip - full length available onsite)

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Reference number: 10640

Date: 1988

Sound: sound

Original format: U-Matic (hi-band)

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 61.34 mins

Description: Compilation tape featuring thirteen news items from Grampian Television, 1988.

Shotlist descriptions supplied by Grampian Television.

Viewing copies may display defects such as dropout, washed out colour and sound fluctuation. It may contain unedited material.

Shotlist: [please note timings supplied from secondary source from Grampian Television and are slightly out from shotlist, below]

00:00:10 00:09:21 19/09/1988
gvs Mod Festival, Glasgow. Exts Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC) building. Logos on pennants (1.01) ints Bach Junior Choir, Lewis Logo (3.23) Judges (4.17) Gold medal male winner Ronald Murray Lewis singing 'Gruagach an fuillt bhan' (5.46) Mary Ann Kennedy, Glasgow, singing. Gold medal winner (6.37) presentation ceremony of gold medals to finalists (8.25) Gaels milling about after the Mod at Garden Festival buildings.

00:09:26 00:17:53 22/09/1988
gvs Garden Festival site, Glasgow. gvs site during the Mod, crowds entering site, Bell's Bridge, various buildings and people milling about. Clydesdale Bank tower, Helter Skelter. l/s over River Clyde, docklands (12.52) exts and ints Park Bar, Argyle Street. Norman serving drinks (13.59) exts gvs volunteers centre, Elmbank Street (14.53) tracking shots of Glasgow flyover to city centre, River Clyde, inner city Glasgow streets, buildings, shops, traffic, pedestrians, Central Station.

00:17:58 00:21:32 22/09/1988
gvs Braemar Gathering. Queen presenting shields to various competition winners. Royal party leaving grounds preceded by mass pipe bands.

00:21:37 00:32:56 22/08/1988
int gvs Sandness Mill, Shetland. Machines spinning wool, winding onto cones (25.26) [mute] posters on wall, various clothing designs. Shelves of brightly coloured balls of wool and wool labels (27.18) woman handknitting Shetland wool jersey (29.38) woman spinning wool on old spinning wheel (31.42) ext window sign on building and model displaying fashion in field with Shetland ponies.

00:33:01 00:37:04 23/09/1988
int OITB (Oil Industry Training Board) training on simulator. Oil rig student training on OITB simulator at Altens, Aberdeenshire [ITN tape]

00:37:09 00:38:48 19/09/1988
gvs Tharos rig at Invergordon plus other rig in foreground

00:38:53 00:42:35 14/09/1988
Ceremony 50th anniversary seaplane [Mercury] flight Dundee to Africa. Unveiling monument ceremony by Mrs Bennett. 50th anniversary of flight to Africa from Dundee flown by Captain Bennett. Spectators, flypast models.

00:42:40 00:48:58 14/09/1988
gvs opencast mining plus Wemyss village mineshaft rural area. Posters against open cast mining.

00:49:03 00:49:58 14/09/1988
ext gvs Mr G's building Inverness "unfinished".

00:50:03 00:53:52 14/09/1988
gvs heavy traffic congestion in Inverness. One way signs, traffic signs / signals, pedestrians etc.

00:53:57 00:55:51 14/07/1988
ext gvs MSF building (Manufacturing Science and Finance) London (54.28) Roger Lyons at work in office plus offshore safety leaflets and book [entitled 'The Other Price of Britain's Oil' written by W.G. Carson] / newspaper

00:55:56 00:58:54 22/09/1988
gvs Forfar town centre. Busy people, traffic etc plus high shots of town.

00:58:59 00:59:50 27/09/1988
gvs Grant Street park Inverness housing story. Clachnacuddin Football Club including gate stand and pitch housing development planned.