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1958 | col | sound
1950 | col | silent
1952 | col | silent
1952 | col | silent

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Reference number: 0882

Date: 1951

Sponsor: Joint Production Committee of SEFA and SFC

Production company: Campbell Harper Films Ltd.

Sound: silent

Original format: 35mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 11.53 mins

Description: The River Tweed from source to sea; the agriculture, industry, landscape and people living by its banks.

Shotlist: Credits (.05); Signpost marks source of River Tweed. Shots of hillsides and water at Tweed's Well, source of river (.22); First bridging point of river at Tweedsmuir and brief shot of house in Tweedsmuir village (.32); Blackface sheep on hillside as shepherd and dog round up lamb. Shepherd inoculates it against scour (1.03); Shepherd "twins" a lamb by covering it with skin of dead lamb and placing it in pen with foster ewe (1.30); Children run out of schoolhouse in Tweedsmuir into playground. Shots of table at lunch (1.48); Talla reservoir. Landscape and reservoir (2.04); Neidpath castle. Castle exterior (2.16); Peebles. Long shot of town across river, bridge over river into town and mill chimney (2.32); High Street decorated with bunting for March Riding and Beltane Queen Festivals. Mercat Cross in foreground. Exterior of Cleikum Inn (2.44); The middle Tweed. River (2.55); Galashiels. Pan across rooftops (3.15); Workers leave woollen mill at lunchtime (3.21); Border tweeds on display in shop window (3.27); Abbotsford. General views of exterior of house (3.35); Braw Lads Gathering. Riders for Tweed at Abbotsford led by Braw Lad and Lass (4.08); Ceremony at Mercat Cross as Braw Lass is presented with red and white roses which she places on Cross. (4.29); Melrose. Panning shot of ruins of Melrose Abbey. View from Dryburgh across to Eildon Hills (4.57); Newton Street, Boswells. Sheep brought in to town's pens for market (5.20); Shots inside sale ring as sheep are auctioned (5.40); Kelso. Pan across bridge and into town. Shots of abbey. (5.55); Open air horse jumping competition in town as part of the annual agricultural show. Shots of livestock show and exhibition of farm machinery (6.51); The lower Tweed - the Merse - from Kelso to the sea. Shot tractor ploughing field, horse-drawn plough in background, horse-drawn plough again and harvesting machinery and potato digger (7.54); Picking potatoes by hand and loading onto horse and cart (7.58); Fisherman casts line into river (8.03); Start of meet in Roxburghshire. Riders and hounds set off (8.22); The bridge at Coldstream. Shots traffic on bridge on Anglo-Scottish border. Shot of cottage where runaway English couples were married (8.35); The Charterhall motor race meeting (8.47); Berwick-on-Tweed. Shots under road bridge across to railway bridge as Edinburgh to London steam express crosses. Panning shot of road bridge and general views of town, long shots and street scenes. The harbour at Berwick (9.15); A cobble is rowed out from shore, a salmon net is let down (9.25); Back on shore, the salmon fishers haul in the net and the catch is killed (9.56); Shot along low bridge and out to sea as the River Tweed flows down (10.13); ecs (10.23)