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Reference number: 0417

Date: 1925*

Sponsor: Edinburgh Education Authority

Sound: silent

Original format: 35mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 44.30 mins

Description: Made for screening at the 1925 World Educational Congress Edinburgh, the film gives a survey of the educational opportunities offered in Edinburgh from infants up to senior pupils.

Shotlist: REEL I
Credits (.08); The Authority in their boardroom. Chairman, Councillor P H Allan, Chief Executive Officer, John Stewart, OBE, JP, SSC (.50); Types of schools under the Authority. Swanston Village School. Shots of children outside school, Boroughmuir Secondary School. Children in school playground. The Royal High School. Shots of school building with traffic passing in the foreground. The Pediment Stone. Part of the old school building in use in 1577 (2.36) Pupils in science and art classes. A National Memorial erected to one of its world famous pupils. The Scott Monument in Princess Street, Edinburgh (3.54); Opening of Royal High School Recreation Ground by HRH Prince Henry, Saturday July 25 1925. (Gaumont Newsreel). Prince Henry arrives and is greeted by local civic dignitaries. He plants a ceremonial tree (4.47) Some phases of education - kindergarten 2 1/2 - 5 years. Children at nursery school and playing outdoors (5.35); Infant classes 5 - 7 years. Daily devotion. Pupils praying during morning assembly. Montessori classes. Reading and counting lessons in classroom. Nature knowledge lesson. Pupils studying plants outdoors. Physical exercise. Children running around in playground (8.13); Primary Senior Division 9 - 12 years. Art class. Shots of the National Gallery showing trams in Princes Street. The art class going into the Gallery. Commercial geography. Ships in dock. Geography class visits docks with teacher. History. Pupils in classroom and on visit to a museum. National history. Pupils in classroom and on a visit to the zoo (10.45); Swimming life saving land drill. Boys practise life saving techniques by side of pool. Boys being taught to swim and dive. Physical exercise. Pupils perform exercises in school playground (13.07)

No credits. Advanced Divisions and Intermediate Courses. Technical, commercial, domestic, 12 - 15 years. Navigation. Boys are taught in classroom. Book-keeping in an open-air classroom. Plain needlework. Cookery. Laundry (3.00); Housewifery. A dwelling house where the child resides for a course of practical instruction. Girls at work in garden. Wood and metal working. Boys at work in the technical department. Practical mechanical drawing. The pupils go out and measure a set of gates which are then drawn up (4.53); Secondary Course 12 - 18 years. Plain and fancy needlework. Art class. Science. Chemistry. Pupils carry out experiments in laboratory (6.21); Physical training. Classes of both girls and boys doing PT (8.52); A final examination. Pupils undergoing same. Successful scholars receive a Leaving Certificate which is accepted at the University in lieu of the Preliminary examination. A pupil receives his Certificate. Our late pupil takes the next step on the educational ladder. Shots of the boy as he leaves the school (9.54)

No credits. Education Authority for Edinburgh, Medical Department. All children are periodically examined by the medical staff and where necessary, treated in the Authority's clinics and special schools. Dental care. Ear, nose and throat troubles receive early attention. Pupils are examined by medical staff. Skin cases. Pupils are washed. Ringworm department. Pupils have their heads shaved. Defective vision is corrected. Mentally defective children are trained in special schools - the first step is to develop muscular co-ordination. Children perform exercises in playground. A classroom - the child's mental capacity is continuously developed by handwork. Basket work, sewing, knitting, etc. Open air is sought at every opportunity. Children at work in the garden and in playground. Preparation of meals delights the girls. Girls cooking (4.47); Physically defective children also receive special attention in other centres. Open air classes. Handwork. Pupils coming out of Duncan Street Special School and getting into school bus which drives off (5.48)

No credits. The Authority provide eight playing fields (about 100 acres) for the use of scholars - a hurried look around. Children playing various games on playing fields - cricket, football, tennis, hockey, etc. Girls ball game rally, netball, lawn tennis (3.07); Edinburgh Public Schools Athletic Association Sports at Powderhall - Secondary School Sports at Hawkhill, Hurdle Race, Eightsome Reel. The school janitors (8.06); Yardheads School Play-centre Girl Guides Section Camp at Eddleston (10.53)