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Video 1 (currently displayed video)

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Video 2

Modern sculptures on plinths in garden, on river bank and in house with voice-over by the artist and poet Ian Hamilton Findlay. (clip - full length available onsite)

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Reference number: T0521

Date: 1978

Production company: Scottish Television

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 3.15 mins

Description: Modern sculptures on plinths in garden, on river bank and in house with voice-over by the artist and poet Ian Hamilton Finlay. The location is most likely his garden at 'Little Sparta', set in the windswept Pentland Hills of southern Scotland.

For further information and background see also Ian Hamilton Finlay official website at http://www.ianhamiltonfinlay.com/ian_hamilton_finlay.html [last accessed 04/10/2019]

See also printed collection held in National Library of Scotland at http://www.nls.uk/catalogues/online/snpc/detail.cfm?id=428&subjectid=15&collection=428&keyword=&passedsubject=15&passedcollection=428&passedkeyword=&origin=browse [last accessed 04/10/2019]

Shotlist: No credits. Modern sculptures on plinths in garden (.30); More sculptures on river bank (1.43); Scupltures in house (2.29); More shots in garden and voice-over by artist Ian Hamilton Finlay talking about his work (3.15)

[The location is most likely his garden at 'Little Sparta', set in the windswept Pentland Hills of southern Scotland. ]