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Reference number: 9020

Date: 1930sc

Director: [filmed by Mr Leetham]

Sound: silent

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 7.42 mins

Description: A compilation of family footage around Menstrie and Stirling in the 1930s. Features Menstrie during the coronation of 1938, fun and games in outdoor swimming pool and fun in the snow.

Shotlist: Swimming Pool Made by the Boys happy family scenes in the garden [1949, Frank Cottage, Union Road, Bridle, Canterbury. Gentleman smoking and wearing flat cap is Isodor Tanfield Vachel; women sitting on bench is Elizabeth Leetham (nee Conrardy); small boy is William L. Leetham; young man on bench is Roderick V. Leetham; running girl is Vivien Tanfield Vachel; William Herbert Leetham sitting on bench] (1.15) Menstrie. Can You Recognise Anyone? gvs street scenes and local people [taken at the time of the Coronation, 1938] bunting decorates the exteriors of the houses (1.38) exts Menstrie school and garage (1.53) fleeting c/u man's face [Tom, the son of Gardener Broome Hall] (1.55) view looking down Menstrie Main Street, including erecting bunting (2.20) brief shot of man walking along (2.23) ladies, man smoking, policeman, minister, dog, woman, nurse, another dog red setter then another lady [Vivien Leetham] in c/u (3.24) another older lady [matron and nurse at Clifford Park, Broome Hall] (3.39) milkman approaches house (3.52) postman on bike outside house (4.01) horse in a field [called 'Lady'] (4.09) delivery man with horse drawn cart with huge wooden wheels, outside shop, Menstrie Main Street (4.17) Try the Swimming Pool gvs boys playing in outdoor pool [Vivien Leetham in pool also, and teacher Mr Johnson, 1938] (5.36) Clifford Park Under Snow exts Clifford Park School, including greenhouses. gvs snow scenes - boys on sledges, gvs snow covered countryside (6.48) Has Stirling Gone Mad? street scenes in Stirling, views of Glasgow Road and Murray Place [all backwards for comic effect] (7.42)