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Reference number: 8927

Date: 1985, November 5

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 30.37 mins

Description: Groups of elderly Arran people and secondary school pupils sit at tables in a hall to speak about earlier times and people in Arran, referring to old photographs and typed notes.

See also ref. 8925

Shotlist: [shotlisted from mp4 file using VLC media player]

black (.09) ints. public hall; gv's groups of elderly people seated at tables organised by area bring out photographs [echoing chatter in the hall often obscures speech] (3.02) gv's children sitting with elderly, discussing photographs (6.09) pan around room, groups discussing photographs, "LAMLASH" table; close shots children questioning and listening to older people, taking notes (7.57) gv's unid. woman talking a woman [relative?] who taught on a gunnery school ship (8.48) brief shots older man and woman tell tale of woman "divorcing" her husband with a dead hen (9.30) c/u bw photo' of a house; older woman refers to notes (10.22) close shots woman and young girl pore over photos (10.51) c/u "Hold Fast" cap badge; man speaking to boy (11.10) ms woman speaks about Children's Christian Seaside Mission (11.40) girl with red feather pen (12.00) gv's man showing girl photo's of his service during Second World War (13.29) c/u woman speaks about paper shop run by Mrs. William Stuart (14.45) ms woman speaks about Mr MacMillan, telegrams (15.40) close shots older people and children (20.12) ints. people seated in smaller room; woman speaks about hotel, man speaking about schooling (23.15) ints. hall; gv's group talking at Lamlash table and hall (24.55) c/u punch or brand, with letters "AW"; men discuss owner and uses (26.24) c/u group looking at old fashioned golfing equipment (27.10) ls women making tea (27.30) c/u woman demonstrates a slide viewer (28.03) group listen to tape (28.35) gv's hall (29.15) c/u poured cups of tea; gv's hall (30.06) ms older people drinking black tea or coffee with scones (30.37)