ORWELL: Against the Tide

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Title: ORWELL: Against the Tide

Reference number: 8110

Date: 2003

Director: d. Mark Littlewood

Sponsor: Scottish Screen Lottery, European Commission in association with History Channel Iberia, RTE (Ireland), YLE (Finland), VRT (Belgium), SVT (Sweden), SWR (Germany), NRK (Norway) and Institute Catala de les Industries Cultural

Producer: Mark Littlewood

Production company: Pelicula Films Ltd. co-produced with Area de Television, Scottish Television, Televisio de Catalunya

Sound: sound

Original format: Digital Betacam

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 70.00 mins

Description: Besides the events of Orwell's life and the universal impact of his work, the film looks at the connections between Orwell's ideas and his continuing contribution to the world today. As Orwell developed into one of the most significant writers of modern times we look beyond the public persona, to uncover the heart, humour and humanity of the authentic Orwell. [synopsis by Mark Littlewood]

A major international co-production to celebrate George Orwell's Centenary. Transmitted on STV as part of 'Artery' series, 17/11/2003.

According to BFI database, alternative title is AGAINST THE TIDE - GEORGE ORWELL'S HOMAGE TO HISTORY.

This documentary is a biography of the English writer George Orwell (Animal farm, 1984, Homage to Catalonia...), 1903-1950, that focuses on the construction of his social and political conscienciousness. The piece explains Orwell’s life as an Imperial Policeman in Burma, as homeless in England and France and, more specifically, as a militian in the Spanish Civil War. Orwell’s life is closely intertwined with his literary creation, in which he expressed most of his thoughts and experiences. The narration is supported in some period drama scenes as well as in statements from Noam Chomsky, Richard Rorty and the Spanish witness Wilebaldo Solano -former leader of Orwell´s Military section in the Spanish Civil War, and professors Miquel Berga and Pelai Pagès. [producers' synopsis]

Credits: George Orwell John Kay Steel
Eileen Blair Natalie Haverstock
O'Brien Melvyn Williamson
Winston Raymie Day
Big Brother Joe MacFadyen

narr. Siobhan Redmond
Catalan and Spanish v/o Josep Parache Manchado

Cast - Scotland
Marji Clark, Josh Hughes, William O'Rourke, Jodie Merrick, David McGregor, Sam Steven, Andy Wilson, Nicole Docherty, Jade Lezar, Christopher McCann, Sally Shepherd, Alexandra Prior

Cast - Aragon
Anna Utrecht, Luis Cantarell, Jose Miguel Marco, Nestor Bello, Alejandro Sierra, Octavio Lasheras, Sergio Torrico, Francisco Castro, Jan Carlos Navas

Extras - Barcelona
Antonio Carra, Aritz Lopez, Piero Verzello, Francois Adam, Sebastian Matias, Toni Qutellas, Fabio Giaconia, Sergi Monroig, Joan Marc Ardit, Dabiel Morell, Felix Perez

Special thanks to A.M. Heath for the Estate of the late Sonia Brownell Orwell

Thanks to Pat Doherty, Wahid Rofaga - SHARECut Internationale Filmproduktion, Helen Alexander, Lesley Robinson, Summerlee Heritage Park, Clyde Muirsheil Country Park, Pollock Country Park, Reverend Georgie Baxendale, Hayakawa Publishing Inc., James Fraser © DACS 2003, Georges Rohner © ADAGP, Paris & DACS London 2003, Cyril Connolly Estate, Ayuntamiento y pueblo de Monflorite-Las Casas, Carlos Camparolas y familia, Hostal El Batan, Rafael Anzano, Carlos Ruiz (Escuela de capacitacion Agraria de Montearagon), Pedro Mainer (La Granja), Wilebaldo Solano [... et al ...]

Archive - UK
Orwell Archive - University College, London, The Vernon Richards Estate, ITN Archive, Scottish Screen Archive, The Trustees of the National Library of Scotland, Independent Labour Party Publications

Archive - Spain
Arxiu Centelles, Fototeca Diputacion de Huesca R. Compaire, Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya, Col-leccfio Commissariat de Propaganda, Col-leccio Josep Maria Sagarra, Col-leccio Branguli, Biblioteca del Pavello de la Republica (U.B.), Archivo Historico National

Crew - Spain
p. man. Jo Gallagher
1st ass. d. David Mauas
d. ph. David Garcia
researcher Lisa Berger
art d. Marc Mateu
props Sergi Duran
ass. art d. Carol Sanchez
set decorator Ramon Vinya
wardrobe Patricia Martinez
wardrobe ass. Marcena Ribera
hair and make-up Caitlin Acheson
sd. technician Albert Royo
sparks Carlos Santamaria
camera (Paris) Paul Albertini
2nd ass. d. Irene Nadal
camera ass. Nahum Cantallops
p. secretary Marta Clara
p. ass. Alex Fernandez, Juame Gonzalez, Jesus de la Llave, Marta Mas
accountant Mariano Camunez
hair ass. Mireia Ramirez
hairdressing ass. Silvia Urieta, M Jesus Boned
translations Joyce Phillips, Judi Sydes

Crew - Scotland
ph. Oliver Cheesman, Mark Littlewood
camera ass. Steven Mochrie, Stuart Anderson
sd. Cameron Mercer
gaffer Stephen Arthur
lighting electrician David Thom
art d. Jason Orr
props John Knight
construction Roddy Hogg
costume designer Bobby McCulla
make-up designer Nicola Brannan
stills ph. Gary Jamieson
rostrum Malcolm Paris
graphics Craig Lamberton
p. accountant Fiona Mortimer
post production facilities Scottish Television
camera provided by Hammerhead

Production Team Rebecca Auld, Gleni Lennox, Alasdair Shaw, Keira Hutchinson, Clare Mulvana, David Weir
researcher / p. co-ordinator Alsion Murphy
online ed. Tom Malcolm
dubbing mixer Cy Jack
m. Jim Prime
w. / co-producer Anthony Grace
w. / ed. Andy Boyd
p. man. Annette Gulliver
commissioning editor for Television de Catalunya Jordi Ambros
commissioning editor for Scottish Television Sandy Ross
exec. p. (Spain) Oriol Porta
exec. p. Steve McIntyre

p. and d. Mark Littlewood

© Pelicula Films Ltd., Area de Television, Scottish Screen 2003