WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD YET?: A Short Film about Castlemilk Pensioners Action Centre

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Title: WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD YET?: A Short Film about Castlemilk Pensioners Action Centre

Reference number: 8012

Date: 1993

Director: d. Victor Quayle

Sponsor: First Reels Scheme [Scottish Film Council and Scottish Television] and The Arts and Cultural Development Office South East Area

Producer: exec. Margaret Urquhart

Production company: Pergola Club Production

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 19.45 mins

Description: An exploration of the work of the Castlemilk Pensioners Action Centre showing that there is life after 60, and that new opportunities, new social activities, and friends are there for everyone - as well as help and advice for the elderly in the community to give them a political and social voice.

Started in 1983, the Castlemilk Elderly Forum was created to give older people a political and social voice. It was the first group of its kind in Britain. Between 1983 - 1986 it campaigned to councillors to give them premises so the elderly could meet, making life easier and getting them out of the house. Urban Aid was granted and they were granted a place where they could socialise in comfort, and, by the time of filming, there were around 100 people per day using the services such as meals, fitness and creative classes, advice services - even a caravan that could be used for holiday breaks at Butlins Wonderwest World in Ayrshire!

First Reels - a joint short film initiative from Scottish Screen (and its predecessor body the Scottish Film Council) and Scottish Television. First Reels was launched during 1991 by Scottish Film Council in response to a perceived need for small grants to help young and first time film-makers to make or complete their first film or video project. Scottish Television came in as co-sponsor at an early stage and as well as contributing to half the funds they have given the scheme a tremendous public relations boost by running three half hour documentaries showing excerpts from the First Reels. Applicants were invited to submit projects in any format and on any subject they chose. All entries were considered by a jury and thirty five projects were given grants varying from £50 to £2000. On show at the GFT are a representative selection of the best of the films and videos supported by the scheme. [Editorial from Scottish Film Council held in paper archives]

Credits: voiceover Mairi Sutherland
presenter Victor Kennedy
interviewees Bill Smith, Hanna Taylor, Margaret Sloan, Margaret Urquhart, Victor Kennedy, James Black
Thanks to Betty Manzor and the Dance Class, Jimmy Hunter and the Art Class, Margaret McCormick and the Aromatherapy Class, Archie Heaney Castlemilk Money Advice, the Ladies Darts Club, Jimmy Huston, Jack Molloy, Cathey McDonald president of the Castlemilk Elderly Forum, Danny Eaglesham, Nancy MacFarlane photographer in residence, Tony Lavander Strathclyde University Jordanhill Campus, Mari Matheson assistant co-ordinator, Patsy Reilly and the Keep Fit Class, Mary Kinney, Chrissey Begbie and all the staff, volunteers and members of Castlemilk Pensioners Action Centre

graphics Paul Cameron
main camera Victor Quayle
addit. camera and sd. Rikki Traynor, Tommy McGarrigle
main sd. Paul Cameron
technical assistance and facilities provided by Castlemilk Video Workshop c/o the Arts and Cultural Development Office South East Area
ed. Neil Glancy
exec. p. Margaret Urquhart

Funding from The First Reels Scheme and The Arts and Cultural Development Office South East Area. A Pergola Club Production © 1993 Castlemilk Pensioners Action Centre and The Arts and Cultural Development Office South East Area.