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Reference number: 7986

Date: 1997

Director: d. Mandy McIntosh

Sponsor: Scottish Screen, Scottish Television, Arts Council of Ireland, Glasgow City Council, The Scottish Arts Council

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 10.35 mins

Description: Eagle Eye was made as a bricolage experiment after a trip to Mexico to watch The Day of the Dead celebrations. McIntosh filmed in Glasgow, Mexico, Brislington and Galway. She worked with Patrick Macklin, a graphic designer, to make a moving image version of a poem written in Mexico. [synopsis from Ham and Enos website at http://www.ham-and-enos.org.uk/eagleeye.html, last accessed 3/2/2010]

First Reels - a joint short film initiative from Scottish Screen (and its predecessor body the Scottish Film Council) and Scottish Television. First Reels was launched during 1991 by Scottish Film Council in response to a perceived need for small grants to help young and first time film-makers to make or complete their first film or video project. Scottish Television came in as co-sponsor at an early stage and as well as contributing to half the funds they have given the scheme a tremendous public relations boost by running three half hour documentaries showing excerpts from the First Reels. Applicants were invited to submit projects in any format and on any subject they chose. All entries were considered by a jury and thirty five projects were given grants varying from £50 to £2000. On show at the GFT are a representative selection of the best of the films and videos supported by the scheme. [Editorial from Scottish Film Council held in paper archives]

Credits: Tattoed Man John McFadyen
Bird Story, Cat Story, Granny Story Neil McIntosh
Gold Banister Tom McNally
Butterfly Wings Maeve O'Regan
Clock-part World Walter Burke

camera Mandy McIntosh
soundtrack Kaffe Matthews
graphics and stills manipulation Patrick Macklin
ed. Mandy McIntosh, Louise Brown, Holgar Mohaupt at Glasgow Film and Video Workshop
locations Bridlington, County Galway, Dublin, Mexico [Glasgow?]
supported by Scottish Screen, Scottish Television, Arts Council of Ireland, Glasgow City Council, The Scottish Arts Council

A Woman wrote people's names under her good ornaments so there would be no fighting over them when she died.

© Mandy McIntosh 1997

Shotlist: [intertitles]
A woman sat beside a cottage peeling oranges and making a display with pointy sticks... The cars advance, advanced. The flags flew in the Zocalo, the cars advanced ... and planes landed. Tell them about the bird...

Eagle Eye was made as a bricolage experiment after a trip to Mexico to watch The Day of the Dead celebrations. McIntosh filmed in Glasgow, Mexico, Brislington and Galway. She worked with Patrick Macklin, a graphic designer, to make a moving image version of a poem written in Mexico.