TWO FINGERS: A Portrait of an Awkward Bastard

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Title: TWO FINGERS: A Portrait of an Awkward Bastard

Reference number: 7919

Date: 1997

Director: d. David MacKenzie

Sponsor: Scottish Screen for Channel Four

Producer: Gillian Berry

Production company: Sigma Films

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 10.00 mins

Description: A portrait of George McAuley, a former Clyde shipyard worker, paratrooper and diver and a leading member of Scotland's "awkward squad". He has rejected the idea of a consumer culture to find freedom on the margins of society. His home is a hut, built on the Trossachs, where he divides his time between raising his two sons and campaigning for a world fit for his two sons to inherit. [synopsis from BFI database at last accessed 20/2/2009]

Screened at 51st Edinburgh International Film Festival, 1997. First transmission 12/08/1997 on Channel Four's 'Renegade TV' slot. Second transmission 16/09/1999, Channel Four 'Hot Dox'. Hot Dox was a partnership with Channel 4 Television producing 10 minute documentary films. See also ref. 7987.

Credits: lighting camera Oliver Cheesman
camera ass. Findlay McAllister
sd. rec. Ken Vryson
runner Robbie Stewart
m. Martin Roberts, Paul Leonard-Morgan
dubbing mixer Dave Murricane
titles / graphics ISO
ed. Donna Blackney
research and production man. David Greer
DV camera and d. David MacKenzie

Many thanks to George for his spirit and generosity

A Sigma Films Production in association with Scottish Screen for Channel Four.

© Scottish Screen, Channel Four, Sigma Films 1997