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1965 | bw | sound
1966 | col | sound
1961 | bw | mute
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Reference number: 6401

Date: 1967 - 1968

Director: (filmed by Frank Walker)

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 10.50 minsc

Description: Amateur comedy fiction film about a family so immersed in their television viewing that they don't notice a clumsy burglar enter the room and steal their possessions. Comeuppance is served when he steals their television at the end.

From notes supplied by Edin burgh Cine Society: "Reg/8/8 'Basic group 1967/8 Production. Burglar at work while family are watching TV'.

'Winner of ECS Elena Mae trophy 1969' written inside metal can.
Paper in can provides show details - 'Shown Dalziel CC Jan 76, Basic Group 26/10/76, Lanark CC 3/11/80, ECS Sept 85, President's ... Sept 1985'

Credits: Cast Bill Roy, Keith Black, Morag B. Gall, Doreen Stephenson
Visitor Ian Grieve
Made by Basic Cine Group, ECS, 1968.

Shotlist: Title appears on black & white television screen, quickly edited montage of TV images, tall building, man in car. Family seated watching television, mother, father, teenage boy and girl. C/u box of Cadbury's Roses chocolates, mother offers them around. B&w TV screen. Family watching tv, man sticks head through window in background. Zoom in as he climbs through window and pulls out Union Jack paper bag which he puts silver ornaments in, intercut with b&w TV show. Zoom in as teenage boy and girl hold hands. Overhead view of burglar as he removes box from top drawer of sideboard. Burglar picks up mother's dropped knitting ball of wool and hands it back. Blatantly walks around room filling bag, intercut with shots of family and b&w TV show. Burglar drops cutlery, no-one notices. Teenagers kissing on couch, burglar pulls up chair and starts watching TV. End credits for TV show 'Softly Softly'. BBC1 logo, programme with sequence about burglar starts, burglar in chair dives behind couch. Father stands up to tidy room, close window. Mother and father bring tea in as teenagers fooling around on couch. Mother recoils in horror as she sees TV is missing. Cut to curtains flapping in wind. ecs