GLASGOW BY THE WAY: Cricket, Michael Donnelly in Church, University Cafe and the Rendezvous Cafe

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1987 | col | silent
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Title: GLASGOW BY THE WAY: Cricket, Michael Donnelly in Church, University Cafe and the Rendezvous Cafe

Reference number: 4842

Date: 1987 - 1988

Director: [d. Diane Tammes]

Sponsor: [ Channel 4]

Producer: [ Seona Robertson]

Production company: [ Reality Productions]

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 8.07 min

Description: Film following preservation of Glasgow artefacts, from derelict church buildings and Italian Restaurants. Includes interviews with Curator of Peoples' Palace, Michael Donnelly and with the owners of the University Cafe on Byres Road with shots of their customers. Shots of the Rendezvous Cafe on Duke Street in a state of dereliction, now demolished.

Credits: [p. Seona Robertson]

Shotlist: Scenes of a cricket match being played to benches of male spectators (West of Scotland Cricket Club?); shot across pitch to church spire (0.28) ints. Michael Donnelly in derelict Church [possibly in Partick] removing the stained glass windows for preservation. Michael talks to the camera. (3.47); exts. Shot of University Cafe on Byres Road, interview with the owners and gvs of the interior of the cafe, shots with customers inside the cafe (6.14); Shot of 'Rendezvous Cafe' on Sword/Duke Street, derelict (6.23); Michael Donnelly restoring furnishing from the Rendezvous; interview with Elspeth King (7.50); Ext. of Rendezvous Cafe; brief shot children picking over skip (8.07).