YOUNG CRAFTSMEN: The XIV International Apprentice Competition, Glasgow 1965

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Title: YOUNG CRAFTSMEN: The XIV International Apprentice Competition, Glasgow 1965

Reference number: 4107

Date: 1965

Director: d. Douglas Gray

Sponsor: Scottish Advisory Committee

Production company: Park Film Studios Ltd

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 21.29 mins

Description: A record of the 14th Annual International Apprentice Competition, the film shows young craftsmen from ten countries competing in categories ranging from metal turning and carpentry to electronics and plumbing. Social activities and the breadth of Scottish industry are also highlighted.

Credits: This film was made for the Scottish Advisory Committee in connection with the XIV International Apprentice Competition sponsored by the City and Guilds of London Institute.
nar. Magnus Magnusson
sd. Kenneth Andrew
produced by Park Film Studios Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland

Shotlist: credits (0.16) gvs smartly dressed young male apprentices arriving at the airport, general greetings (1.04) gvs industrial steelworks, Glasgow (1.22) view over the River Clyde and three bridges (1.28) gvs shipbuilding around River Clyde, shots of boats (including the Waverley) on the river (1.56) brief shot bustling Glasgow street (Union Street?) (2.05) shot of the Botanical Gardens, West End (2.11) exts City Chambers on George Square (2.16) ints opening ceremony in the City Chambers, flags are displayed from all competing countries accompanied by bagpipes. Mr William Ross, Secretary of State for Scotland makes speech on platform decorated with flowers (4.06) brief shots of apprentices at work in metalwork, carpentry, brick laying, plumbing (4.29) Stow College of Engineering, where competitors work on Radio and TV tests (4.42) industrial wiring (4.52) house wiring (5.09) silversmith (5.17) jeweller (5.27) electric and gas welding (5.33) metal turning (6.03) shot of Barmulloch College, where competitors work on pattern making (6.22) foundry moulding (6.33) casting molten metal (6.44) metal fabricating (6.52) exts College of Building, as seen from George Square (7.02) ints College, painting and decorating where competitors work on painting and decorating (7.13) plastering (7.24) bricklaying (7.30) plumbing (7.40) joinery (7.43) carpentry (7.54) cabinet making (8.12) exts two University Halls of Residence (possibly including Wolfson Hall?) (8.23) apprentices relaxing by singing, smoking, playing bagpipes (9.06) shot of big wheel at summer fair, Glasgow Green (9.19) bricklaying (9.45) Japanese apprentice using special saw on wood (10.02) Japanese apprentice constructs TV sub-chassy using blocks of electronic components (10.23) shot of Japanese apprentice's tool belt and use of file (10.41) compared to German apprentice's filing technique (10.57) apprentice measuring accuracy of vice, shot of vice being replaced and milling process, with metal being cleaned at various stages (12.49) panels made up of technical experts make judgements on apprentices' work (13.35) shot of hydroelectric scheme in the Highlands (14.08) gvs Loch Lomond and sightseeing boat (14.46) shot of newly completed Forth Road Bridge and shot of Rail Bridge (14.40) view over Edinburgh from Castle ramparts, shot of pipe band marching down Princes Street during Edinburgh International Festival (14.54) East Kilbride shopping centre (15.04) ints electronics and motor manufacturing factories (15.16) mechanised reeling machines in action in cotton threadmill (16.31) gvs Clyde shipyards (15.48) ints lecture room with International Council making decisions on awards, many delegates having headphones for language interpreters (16.10) exts City Chambers, looking high over George Square (16.14) ints award ceremony in City Chambers, Mr. Ray Gunter, British Minister for Labour makes presentations and a speech, includes shots of crowds and photographers (18.44) display of prizewinning workpieces in College of Building (19.34) gvs reception and ball at Civic Chambers, young people dance the twist (20.04) traditional Scottish Country Dancing (20.33) gvs airport and departure of apprentices and their entourage (21.05) ecs (21.29)