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1956 | col | silent
1953 | col | silent
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1956 | bw | silent

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Reference number: 3629

Date: 1953

Director: [filmed by Prof. Anne S Robertson]

Sponsor: Hunterian Museum

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 14.40 mins

Description: A film showing the 1953 Scottish Summer School in Archaeology in Dumfries where the group are shown various local Roman and Iron Age forts and settlements.

Shotlist: [Shotlisted at 18fps. At actual speed of 16fps, run time is 14.40 mins]

Opening credit (0.11) The Scottish Summer School in Archaeology - Dumfries 1953 (0.15) shot of elderly woman putting on name badge followed by desk top calendar dated Saturday July 25 (0.35) ext. of building with people entering (0.47) c/u of a card dated Saturday July 25, 9.15a.m. "The Native Setting" by Professor Stuart Piggott (0.50) man stands at a doorway reading out loud (1.01) c/u of a card dated Saturday July 25 10.45a.m. "The Agricolan Occupation" by Mr. John Clarke (1.04) elderly man stands at a doorway reading out loud (1.21) c/u of a grandfather clock reading 12.45p.m. (1.24) shots of people leaving the building in small groups (2.03) c/u of woman's wrist showing a watch reading 2.30p.m. (2.08) brief shot of a group of Western buses outside the building with an elderly man about to get on the packed bus (2.16) shot of the buses going down a single track road through a field followed by the buses stopping with a couple of men from a car pointing in the direction of the hill (2.58) shots of a large group walking up the hillside (3.18) ground plan for the site at Birrenswark (3.23) brief shot of man standing on top of hill (3.32) ground plan for the site at Birrenswark (3.37) man on top of the hill lecturing to the assembled group (3.53) ground plan for the site at Birrenswark (3.59) shots of the group walking further up the hillside (4.18) ground plan for the next part of the site at Birrenswark (4.23) the group stop at this point at the site and then move on (4.50) the group get on the buses arrive at their next stop and start walking through a field they then stop and are lectured to by the man this time with a microphone set up with a speaker attached to a jeep (6.26) c/u of a car radio followed by a c/u of a newspaper showing the England v. Australia cricket test match with man trying to tune the radio to the cricket match as the lecturer continues (6.58) shot of a desk top calender dated Sunday July 26 (7.04) c/u of a card dated Sunday July 26 9.15a.m. "The Antonine Occupation" by John Gillam (7.07) man stands at a doorway reading out loud (7.21) c/u of a card dated Sunday July 26 10.45a.m. "The Severan Reorganisation" by Dr. Kenneth Steer (7.23) man stands at a doorway reading out loud (7.30) shot of a clock with the time at 2.30p.m. (7.37) shot of the buses waiting (7.42) Dalswinton (7.46) aerial photograph of the site (7.52) shot of the buses and cars at the site then moving on down the country road (8.30) Carronbridge (8.34) shots at the site with group standing in the rain (9.01) Durisdeer ( 9.04) photograph of the site followed by a c/u of a man lecturing in the rain (9.22) ground plan of the site Tynron Dun (9.29) shot of a man on a hillside talking to the camera (9.33) shot of a desk top calendar dated Monday July 27 (9.36) c/u of a card dated Monday July 27 9.15a.m. "Constantius and his Successors" by Professor Ian Richmond (9.40) man stands at a doorway talking (9.43) c/u of a card dated Monday July 27 10.45a.m "Conclusions" by Professor Ian Richmond (9.46) shot of the same man talking (9.52) shot of a clock with the time at 2.30p.m. (9.56) buses waiting to head off followed by the buses heading down a country road (10.12) c/u of a map of Eskdalemuir (10.17) shots of the group assembled at a site being lectured to (10.49) buses continue down the road to the next site where the group stand near the top of a hill (11.11) ground plan showing the site of Raeburnfoot (11.16) c/u of a man wearing a beret talking (11.22) ground plan showing the site of Raeburnfoot (11.26) c/u of a card dated Monday July 27 8.15p.m. "Questions and Answers" (11.30) a sequence of shots showing the various men and woman standing at a doorway talking (12.54) Roman and Native in North Britain (12.59) ground plan for Birrenswark (13.01) a card showing a question mark (13.09) end credit (13.14)