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Reference number: 2986

Date: 1934 - 1935

Director: filmed by The Nomads

Sound: silent

Original format: 9.5mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 24.20 mins

Description: A humorous amateur film of an outing by the Nomads Golf Club which was formed in 1895 by professionals in the Glasgow area.

Credits: under the soul [sic] direction of Pro Bono Pub-No-Like-O and Ricky Tricky Davy

Shotlist: Shots. Individual members, John wearing chain of office, etc. Nomadic Wanderings, Powfoot 1934-35. Outside Golf Hotel, Powfoot as the Nomads arrive for their golf outing. There follows several humorous sequences concerning members playing golf and socialising. Official group photograph is taken. Willie Smokes One of His Own Cigars (without much success!) Graham has a Busman's Holiday (doctor? at work). Departure - cars leave. Stopping for petrol en route. Nomadic Interludes swimming in loch. Finis. (24 mins).