LOT, AN: Series 2

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Title: LOT, AN: Series 2

Reference number: 19200

Date: 2017

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 29.00 minsc

Description: Documentary following Donald MacSween as he tries to make it as a full-time crofter. [Source - BBC Alba] Programme 4

It's early autumn and time for the sheep sales again, but will the lamb prices meet Sweeny's expectations?

As this title is part of the MG ALBA preservation collection it is only available to view on National Library of Scotland premises. Please contact us to discuss availability

Shotlist: The e tràth san Fhoghar agus tha Sweeny gu trang ag ullachadh son Fèill nan Uan, ach am bi na prìsean cho math 's a bhios e an dùil? Tha dòigh ùr beagan a bharrachd airgead a chosnadh cuideachd san amhairc aig Sweeny, 's tha e a' dèanamh air an Eilean Sgitheanach son faicinn mar a tha cùisean a' dol. 'S tha Innes, bràthair Sweeny, aig an taigh a- rithist, ach cha leig e a leas a bhith a' smaointinn gu bheil e air làithean-saora. Tha fada cus ri dhèanamh air An Lot!

It's early autumn and time for the sheep sales again, but will the lamb prices meet Sweeny's expectations? A new income stream is in the planning as Sweeny heads off to Skye to check out progress. And Sweeny's brother Innes is home again, but he needn't think that he is on holiday as there is far too much to be done around the Lot!