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1938 | bw | sound
1937 | bw | silent
1938 | bw | sound

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Reference number: 1862

Date: 1938

Director: d. Alan Harper

Production company: Campbell Harper Films Ltd.

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 37.32 mins

Description: A guide to facilities showing students learning diverse techniques at Heriot Watt College, in its Chambers Street buildings, Edinburgh. Subjects include Pharmacy, Optics, Mine Rescue and Engineering.

Shotlist: REEL I

Title and introductory text. There is a marked contrast between the old college buildings (0.56); Shot of George Heriot Watt Hospital building; and the new £200, 000 extension scheme, now nearing completion (1.23) shot of new extension (1.44); behind the main College building Main college building, and bust of Heriot, including shots of students entering and walking along corridor (2.24); Over 3000 Students are on the College Roll... (2.38) The Physics Department Various shots within the physics department and male and female students performing experiments. (3.19) Optics ... testing of eyesight, gvs same (4.13) Lens Grinding gvs processes of grinding; under tutor's guidance (5.26); Chemistry Class The chemistry class and micro analysis laboratory; shots students working at benches; c/us individual students carrying out procedures (6.26) Micro-Analysis Laboratory gvs same (7.05) Students working in pharmacy department (7.45) The Making of Pills (7.45); Botany Students using microscopes in the botany department; c/u illustration of leaf (8.52); Electrical Engineering students being trained to use various equipment, including automatic telephone system and high tension electricity AC and DC machinery (11.09); Engineering Drawing Office Shots inside engineering drawing class and mechanics lecture. Students working under tutor's guidance (12.30)


No credits. Shots taken in pattern-making workshop of students at work, including tests for material properties, and carpentry (1.50); Students operating lathes and other machinery in engineering workshop (3.02); Students undertaking practical work in hydraulic labs and heat engine laboratory,, undertaking practical engine tests (5.04); Surveying Students and tutor at Burdiehouse mine during mining training, including illumination research for mining problems (6.08); Illumination Research applied to mining problems gvs same (7.18) A prize-winning Team at practice-using the Mine gallery which is part of the Rescue Station buildings Mine rescue station and students undergoing training; c/u plan of Training Gallery; students enter the Gallery using breathing apparatus; gvs practice rescue; exts. rescue team put volunteer into rescue van (9.05); Student compositors at work in printing department using monotype keyboards; punched reel is placed into machine that orders type (12.22) Linotype Mechanism tutor uses chalk diagram and cutaway model to explain mechanism to students; students using mechanism (13.12) Machine room including automatic feed high-speed printing (14.20) Photo Process gvs same and Lithographic Department (16.25).


No credits. Male common room; shots students smoking and discussing work; Female common room; students smoking and reading (1.11); Students in college library, choosing books or studying quietly (2.15); Students having lunch in dining room (3.02); Students playing badminton on college courts (3.41); Students at physical exercise class and in shower rooms (4.41); Performance by College Staff Drama Society; College meetings, including the Royal Scottish Society of Arts (6.00); Evening class students arriving (6.39); List of Subjects available (7.06); Mr Robert Wilson, JP, FRSE, Vice-Chairman of Governors, presides over meeting (8.05); Shot of Chambers Street campus with Arthur's seat in b/ground; Shot of Edinburgh castle. End credits (8.37).