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1953 | col | silent
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1959 | bwcol | silent
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1950 | bw | silent

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Reference number: 1767

Date: 1959

Production company: Edinburgh and East of Scotland Agricultural College

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 31.10 mins

Description: An account of the work of the beekeeper, from preparing the hives to the marketing of the honey. (The film was produced by the bee-keeping staff, Edinburgh School of Agriculture)

Credits: This film is produced by the bee-keeping staff, Edinburgh School of Agriculture

Shotlist: [Please note this film has been shotlisted at 24fps but actual speed is 18fps. Overall running time at 18fps is nearer 44 min]

[No credits] Shot of honeycombs being lifted out of hive. Title (0.04); General shot of shop selling honey (0.09); Shots of woman eating honey (.15); Credits (.20); Home Apiary Bush House. Shots of hives and house (0.48); General shots of bees outside hive (1.25); Hives are enlarged in May and June for increased brood production. General shots of man working with the bees, adding another portion to the beehive (3.03); Nectar gatherers returning home. Shots of bees returning to and leaving the hive (3.35); Swarm control: weekly inspection of strong colonies for queen cells. General shot of woman inspecting bees (4.04); Three weeks before the ling nectar flow, the queen is put down into a single brood box to reduce the size of the brood nest. General shots of man removing bees from hive (6.13); General shots of bees on hive (6.22); "Supering" with sections for comb honey. General shot of man working with a hive (7.04); Moving hives to the moors for the bell and ling heather nectar flows. Beekeeper moves hive (10.26) 375ft

Credits (.03); General shot of landscape and hives (.23); General shots of hives being placed beside other hives by beekeepers (3.04); Bell heather, a source of nectar in July. Shots of heather and hives (3.55); Ling heather, source of nectar in August. General shots of heather and hives (4.58); Beekeeper removing honey from hives (7.08); Transporting it back to Bush House (7.53); Returning to the home apiary at the end of the ling heather bloom. Shots of beehives being transported back to Bush House (8.31); Shot of empty field where the beehives were (8.41); General shots of hives being loaded onto a truck (9.32); Shots of beekeepers unloading the hives from the truck and replacing them on home ground (11.54) 486ft

Credits (.02); Preparing the honey for market. General shots of honey comb already prepared for market (1.25); General shots of honeycomb in hive, being removed from the frame, cut into sections and wrapped in cling film, then labelled (3.17); Shot of honey being turned into liquid for jars (5.01); Honey is poured into jars (5.30); Shot of different products (5.39); Shot of honey being poured into tins. Shots of the finished product (5.54); Pressed ling honey granules in time. Like other honeys. General shots of a jar of honey granulating over time (6.27); Refining the wax in preparation for its manufacture into comb foundation. General shots of wax being prepared (7.55); General shots of garden and hives (8.45); The End (8.50) 318ft