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2010 | col | sound
2010 | col | sound

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Reference number: 17100

Date: 2010

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 30.00 minsc

Description: The work of some remarkable guide dogs. Violet and Lena attend puppy class, and Eddie is put through his paces at the Guide Dog Centre in Forfar. [Source - BBC Alba] Programme 2

As this title is part of the MG ALBA preservation collection it is only available to view on National Library of Scotland premises. Please contact us to discuss availability

Shotlist: A' toirt sùil air beatha obrach coin stiùiridh na h-Albainn. A-nochd bidh Violet 's Lena a dol gu clasaichean cuileanan, agus tha Eddie a faighinn ionnsachadh bho ionad coin stiùiridh ann an Baile Fharfair. The work of some remarkable guide dogs. Violet and Lena attend puppy class, and Eddie is put through his paces at the Guide Dog Centre in Forfar. [Source - BBC Alba] Programme 2