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2010 | col | sound
2010 | col | sound

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Reference number: 17099

Date: 2010

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 30.00 minsc

Description: Exploring the work of Scotland's police dogs. Springer spaniel Buddy and his handler go in search of illegal drugs while Blade provides essential back up for the tactical firearms team. [Source - BBC Alba] Programme 1

As this title is part of the MG ALBA preservation collection it is only available to view on National Library of Scotland premises. Please contact us to discuss availability

Shotlist: Sreath aithriseach èasgaidh ùr a toirt sùil air beatha obrach coin poileis na h-Albainn. Sa phrògram-sa, bidh sinn cuide ri Buddy a tha feuchainn drugaichean a lorg sna h-eileanan siar, is Blade a tha toirt cuideachadh dhan sgioba phoileas 'tactical', an obair na bu chunnairtaich' air a' phoileas. Exploring the work of Scotland's police dogs. Springer spaniel Buddy and his handler go in search of illegal drugs while Blade provides essential back up for the tactical firearms team. [Source - BBC Alba] Programme 1