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Title: FORTH AND CLYDE canal, the

Reference number: 1687

Date: 1962

Director: [filmed by D.G. Russell]

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 11.39 mins

Description: The Forth and Clyde canal's operations on its last year of use.

Shotlist: Credits. A film made during the last years of navigation. [Long caption and statistics follow] The Eastern Approach is past Grangemouth. Map (.35); Shots of Grangemouth from sea. General views of docks (.49); Up the Carron River. General views of shore, commercial premises, fishing boats, etc (1.24); The entrance to the canal. General views of same and locks (1.36); The approach at low tide. General views of muddy basin and harbour with tide out (2.16); After No 2 lock the first reach begins. Shot of canal (2.25); Off on the 35 mile trip to the West Coast. Small boat on the canal (2.46); At Bainsford Bridge, Falkirk. Shots of motor yacht, "Ayacucho", moored to the bank (2.53); Climbing toward the summit near Cumbernauld. General views of lock. Shots from yacht as it nears lock gates. Pan of surrounding countryside (3.28); Replacing this bridge will be the immediate cause of the closure of the navigation. General views of bridge carrying traffic on the Glasgow-Stirling road. Shots of the canal and bends in rural section (4.22); At the top lock, Wyndford. Map (4.30); Shots as the lock-keeper's daughter pipes them off (4.36); Shots of canal (4.38); Through one of the old hand-operated bridges and into the most picturesque part of the canal. Shots during passage through a bascule bridge and general views of the canal. Brief passing shot of travelling people's camp (5.11); Kirkintilloch. General views of Hillhead Bridge as yacht goes through (5.32); The Three-In--One, where canal and rail cross the same river at the same place. Shots of bridges and rail line (5.44); Shot as yacht slips under unopened bridge. General views on deck as crewman repairs bicycle (6.20); Shots of canalside cottage. General views of the canal and of people fishing, etc (6.33); Approaching Glasgow. Map. (6.44); Shots of houses on hill (6.46); Left for Glasgow, right for Bowling. Shot of bow swinging to the right (6.54); Arrival at Maryhill. Top lock. General views of vessel in lock (7.04); Sluices are worked by a rack and pawl, operated by a pushbar. Close-up of same, shots of yacht passing through series of locks (8.44); Through Drumchapel. Shots of the locks (8.54); Where the long-defunct Forth and Cart Junction canal used to join. Brief shot of blocked-off passage (8.58); Clydebank. For ships and sewing machines. Shots of warehouses from the canal and then across to the shipyards (9.19); Here the canal runs parallel with the Clyde. Shot across to tenements and the River Clyde. Shot of the Singer factory astern (9.43); General views as the yacht approaches Dalmuir bridge as tramcar crosses (9.56); Through the bridge, past a barge moored to the bank and on through the canal to bridge carrying the road to Erskine Ferry. Shots as the bridge swings open. Notice board for the Old Kilpatrick railway station. Approaching lock. Shots to bank and down the Clyde. (11.01); At last the Bowling Basin is reached. General views of same (11.13); Last of the 39. The Bowling sea-lock. Approaching the lock (11.29); In salt water again. Shot of the moored yacht (11.34); The End (11.39)