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Title: TOURISTS, the

Reference number: 1163

Date: 1955

Director: filmed by Gavin Brown and Enrico Cocozza

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bwcol

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 37.33 mins

Description: A holiday film of Italy, including views of Genoa, Alassio, Naples and Filignano.

Credits: CBC Film

Shotlist: [Shotlisted from time-coded VHS copy, times converted from 25fps to 18fps]

[B&W] Credits. En Route Pour Paris. (0.19) tracking shot of sea from boat; (0.36) [at night] Shots of neon signs, including Moulin Rouge, and Hotel Royale Pigalle (1.05) street scenes; (1.18) [COL] gvs Fountain of Poseidon; shots of traffic; l/s obelisk; l/s Eiffel tower through trees (2.35); shots Gavin Brown and Cocozza gazing out of train window at passing scenery (2.56) [B/W] Genova. Shots of street; ints. two women smoking; standing in doorway with Cocozza (3.38) exts. women, Cocozza and Brown talking on balcony (4.24); On to Naples. c/u Brown's reflection in window; tracking shots from train; ints. waiter working in restaurant car; shots Cocozza and Brown eating; Cocozza sugars his coffee; c/u waiter handling lira; tracking shot of new high rise buildings (6.59) Naples; elevated shot of street scene, vans, horses and cars crossing at a large intersection next to a square; ints hotel room, Brown and Cocozza eating (7.45); Capri. [COL] tracking shot of sea; shots of passengers on deck, c/u woman's face; tracking shots of island; shots of harbour (10.51) Street scenes in Capri, including boy tending to donkeys, shop frontages (12.26) [B&W] ints hotel room; c/u coffee; c/u Brown (12.49) shots of hillside and sea; c/u laundry [from hotel window]; (13.42) Cocozza, woman from ferry and her husband? have coffee; shots of waiting staff setting tables, putting out flowers, etc. (14.35) exts. Cocozza and older couple walk through streets; shots of trio looking at island cliffs, and winding roads from a viewing point; Brown climbing over rocky coast (16.43) [COL] shots of Brown and Cocozza showing off their holiday clothes [Cocozza wears brightly coloured shirt with "Capri" printed on it] (17.43) gvs Capri; shots ruins of Certo di San Giacomo monastery; shots of villas (20.07) shots from rowing boat; (20.52) c/u three Capri boy's faces; family gathering at a rural house; barefoot man hunts for rabbits? with his dog; ints. family at dinner table (23.41) tracking shot from cable car; further scenics of coast (27.31) Filignano. [B&W] Shots of valley landscapes; shots GB feeding turkeys and chickens (27.32); Alassio. family gathering on roof terrace; older family members playing with small girl and her doll; group shot of family, girl pretends to cradle and then smack her doll; c/us individuals (34.07) ints. mother brushing floor in her living room; GB on moped by beach (36.19); Au revior Paris! Au Reviour Madame Geo! Night shots of Paris and shots of the ferry leaving France (37.33)