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Video 1 (currently displayed video)

Full length video - full length available onsite

Video 2

Interview with the writer Jessie Kesson. (clip - full length available onsite)

Video 3

Cast of 'Cherry Orchard' at Aberdeen. (clip - full length available onsite)

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Reference number: 10689

Date: 1983

Sound: sound

Original format: U-Matic (hi-band)

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 60.00 mins

Description: Fifteen news items from Grampian Television, 1983.

Shotlist descriptions supplied by Grampian Television.

The original analogue videos have been digitised and can be viewed at Kelvin Hall by appointment. Viewing copies may display defects such as dropout, washed out colour and sound fluctuation. It may contain unedited material.

Shotlist: 00:00:10 00:02:03 01/05/1983
Another Time.

00:02:07 00:07:52 01/05/1983
Jessie Kesson, for SAS.

00:07:53 00:09:04 01/05/1983
Pallas rock band.

00:09:05 00:12:34 01/05/1983
'Soul of a Jew' and street fringe activity, Edinburgh Festival.

00:12:35 00:13:57 01/05/1983
Scottish dancing at Aberdeen Festival.

00:13:59 00:17:27 01/05/1983
'Cherry Orchard' at Aberdeen.

00:17:30 00:21:10 01/05/1983
Tap dancers at Aberdeen Art Centre.

00:21:13 00:23:05 01/05/1983
Perth Theatre - 'The Importance of Being Earnest' and Janet Michael.

00:23:10 00:24:35 01/05/1983
Dundee Rep Theatre - 'Wait Until Dark' - Alan Lidiard.

00:24:37 00:32:41 01/05/1983
Bankhead Academy Youth Theatre Festival.

00:32:43 00:41:10 01/05/1983
Aberdeen International Youth Orchestra.

00:41:14 00:44:23 01/05/1983
Dundee Repertory Theatre - 'Wait Until Dark'.

00:44:25 00:45:17 01/05/1983
Perth Theatre exteriors.

00:45:20 00:48:18 01/05/1983
Pitlochry Festival Theatre exteriors.

00:48:29 01:00:00 01/05/1983
Edinburgh Festival - American Number - Basic Space.