My films

The 'My films' feature allows you to build a personal list of films from the Moving Image Archive catalogue. To add films to your list use the 'Add to my films' button on the full description page for each film or in your search results.

For general enquiries about the archive please see the contact page or email

Because you are not logged in, we will use cookies to store your list of films on the computer you are using. If you are using a shared computer - in an internet café, for example - your list will not be available from another computer or after this user session.

To create a list that you can access from any computer at any time, you need to register online and get a National Library of Scotland password. If you have an NLS password, you can log in now to create your films list.

'I AM BREATHING' added to 'My films'.

Films without videos


Within one year, Neil Platt goes from being a regular, funny, 30-something British bloke to becoming someone much more extraordinary. Completely paralyzed from the neck down, he is forced to ask questions most of us never have to face. Neil puts together a letter and memory box for his baby son Oscar and communicates his experience and thoughts about life in a blog - and in this film, which he was determined to make.


