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Reference number: N1076

Date: 1965

Production company: Grampian Television

Sound: sound and mute

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: Non-Fiction

Running time: 17.31 mins

Description: Footage for TV news feature about the Rolling Stones arriving at the Capitol Theatre in Aberdeen and staying at Gleneagles Hotel while playing at venues in Scotland.

Three items: mute cut story, part sound cut story, part sound random trims.

Cataloguer's comment:  Brian Jones and Mick Jagger are prominent in the interview sections, and Jones comes across as the dominant band member.

Shotlist: gvs Rolling Stones' limousine approaching stage door of Capitol Theatre, Aberdeen, young fans gathering around, being held back by police - shots of instrument cases and clothing being carried in to venue from coach - shots of stage door with young fans waiting, police watching them - young girls wave Rolling Stones and Hollies banners - police push girls into line as van approaches driven by Rolling Stones road manager Ian Stewart - Stewart unlocks rear door - shots of members of The Hollies pushing through crowd in to stage door - shots of policemen waving traffic past and pushing children out of the way - more shots of girls with home-made banners, picture of Mick Jagger (2.20) countdown leader (2.34) shots of Rolling Stones playing putting on green at Gleneagles Hotel, including Mick Jagger, Charlie Watts, Keith Richards, Bill Wyman, Brian Jones (3.31) interview by reporter June Shields in hotel room with band sitting on and around settee - Jagger talks about reason for staying at Gleneagles, hotel's facilities, Jones talks about going for a walk in grounds, preferring to stay away from city venues and freedom from young fans (5.00) more shots of band playing putting (5.21) Jones - "We've been called just about everything from beautiful to revolting" - band talk about reaction to them in America and Australia, where reaction was 'damn rude' - Jones about being accepted by more people as time goes on, Jagger about band becoming more acceptable to older people and reactions of younger fans (8.29) leader (8.39) more shots of band playing putting with photographers around (10.14) c/u 'Stage Door' sign - brief shots of young girls with banner 'We Love the Stones' and photograph of Jagger (10.23) more shots of band on putting green, Watts and Jagger walking back into hotel - [shots of ground, camera left running - leader] (11.41) more shots of band playing putting with photographers around (12.39) [shots of ground, camera left running - leader] (12.43) very brief section of interview (12.51) leader (13.05) interview, Shields asks band about their tenacity and audacity - Jagger flicks Jones' cigarette ash into his glass, followed by laughter, Shields passes Jones an ashtray - Jones claims to smoke ten cigarettes a day, other band members guffaw in disagreement - [fragmentary sequence] - Shields asks if band members have any Scottish blood in them - [fragmentary sequence] - Jagger talks about rudeness of people in America - Jones about his inability to master long words when tired - Jones about band being 'public property', particularly in America (16.32) Jagger and Jones about dealing with television interviews - Watts repeats there is "no tolerance in the world" and he just "smashes all their noses!" (17.31)