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1959 | bw | sound
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1951 | bw | sound
1951 | bw | sound

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Reference number: 9359

Date: 1950

Director: filmed by Lionel Butler

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 21.45 mins

Description: A group of workers go from Edinburgh to Butlin's holiday camp near Ayr for a weekend in September.

Films shot by Lionel Butler - a member of the Edinburgh Cine Club where he worked with many people, including Adam Malcolm. He also knew Alan Harper of Campbell-Harper Films.

Shotlist: By Courtesy of the Directors - title - A Durable Production - c/u calendar 'June 14' - gvs inside factory, worker hands out forms to colleagues - c/u worker filling in form - animated calendar goes on to July - woman at desk processing forms - calendar advances to September 15 (1.28) gvs in factory, women working at loom - loom is stopped, c/u shots machinery being turned off - workers run out of factory - c/u poster 'Air to Ayr' - factory gate opens, motorcycle leaves, coach arrives, workers climb on board with cases (3.37) coach arrives at airport - Scottish Airlines Dakota G-AGZG taxiing on tarmac, crew disembarking and chatting - group shot of workers in front of aircraft, then boarding - gvs Granton Road station, workers and families gathering on platform - train arrives and workers get on board (6.02) pan across Butlin's holiday camp at Ayr - gvs buildings, tennis courts, playpark, man starting car - gvs games on tennis courts, putting green, roller-skating rink, group of women falling over - gvs swimming pool, woman swimming and sliding down water-chute (9.44) int shots restaurant, people playing table tennis - gvs inside Nissen hut tea-room, families and children eating - gvs entertainments inside ballroom with camp staff, comedy dancing, piggyback racing - ext shot 'Montgomery Ballroom' - camp staff perform gymnastic exercises on stage, then audience join in - comedy routine - shot of camp in rain - shots of artist drawing charcoal sketch of sitter (13.59) entertainments in ballroom, women's beauty contest, contestants parade on stage as judges and redcoats look on - camp staff, one in drag, pretend to be contestants - runners-up and winners announced and presented with prizes, photographed - gvs in cafeteria (16.54) gvs children's playground, chalets in background (17.47) comedy sketch on stage in ballroom, children gathered round stage - group shot of workers and families preparing to leave camp (18.52) group of workers boarding Scottish Airlines flight - shots of take-off from aircraft, flying over houses and coastline - group disembarking, crew pose for camera (20.47) tracking shots from coach as plane lands - shots of woman in office talking to colleague - THE END (21.45)