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Reference number: 9279

Date: 1961c

Director: d. Geoffrey Law

Sound: silent

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 13.52 mins

Description: A poignant amateur story film about a father coming to terms with his little girl growing up.

Entered in 'fiction' category in Scottish Amateur Film Festival, 1961.

Paper archive held at National Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive, ref. 2/3/48.

Credits: Iain Dunnachie presents
with Ella Law, Avril Dunnachie, Len Higgins, James Heron
camera Cathel Lyall
ed. Iain Dunnachie

Shotlist: title and credits (0.50) mother picks up a letter just delivered and sets it on the mantlepiece. c/u clock face at 9.07am, and again at 5.20pm (1.33) Avril arrives home from school and opens the letter, excitedly, it is an invitation to a dance at the Woodside Hotel on Saturday 15th September (2.34) a happy Avril runs updstairs to her room, and tries on various pairs of shoes, searches her wardrobe for a suitable dress to wear (3.35) exts clothes shop 'Emily Stewart' at No. 285. Avril and her mother look in the window. Avril points excitedly at a gown but it seems too expensive... (4.24) they get in their car and drive off (4.46) back home, mother shows Avril a dress pattern, they unwrap various parcels (5.12) gvs front room by fireside, father reading newspaper and mother sewing a dress by hand, father looks on with approval (5.58) mother holds dress up to show it to father, once father realises the dress is for his daughter and not his wife, he disapproves. Father looks at photograph of his daughter sitting on the mantlepiece when she was younger. c/u various magazine pages with dress designs that Avril is looking at.Father, upset, throws the dress onto a chair and says 'no' even though the two women try to reason with him. c/u Avril welling up with tears, she walks out the room (7.22) Avril in her bedroom, crying. She looks in the mirro and plays with her short hair. She tries on her high helled shows and imagines dancing in them (8.31) c/u letter of apology to Mrs Law who invited her to the dance (8.57) mother comes in to the room, and sees Avril writing. She tears the letter up, telling her she will go to the dance (9.20) father sitting in lounge looking at his daughter’s photograph, he tries to light his pipe for a smoke but is too preoccupied (9.49) he goes into the garden and cuts some roses, making them into a corsage using wire and foil. He goes into the scullery where his wife is busy washing up. He shows her the flowers, kisses he cheek and she smiles (11.15) the doorbell rings and a young man enters, with a corsage in a box, mother shouts on Avril at the bottom of the staircase (11.52) Avril, wearing her beautiful handmade gown, comes down the stairs. The young man and her own father watch her. The young man presents her with a corsage of flowers. Father also about to give his flowers to the daughter but decides against it (or is beaten to it?!). Mother puts a shawl around her daughter's shoulders (12.40) the young couple leave. Shot of father looking sad. He puts down his flowers and looks at the daughter’s photograph. c/u mother and father holding hands The End (13.52)