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Title: PLOCKTON 1969

Reference number: 8897

Date: 1969

Director: [filmed by Dr James B B Baird]

Sound: silent

Original format: super 8mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 21.44 mins

Description: Amateur footage of a family holiday trip to Plockton, including shots of sailing in the bay, a regatta and a trip to Stornoway.

See also ref. 8896

Title preserved as part of an AHRC funded video preservation project in partnership with Glasgow University, entitled 'Children and Amateur Media in Scotland'.

Shotlist: title - gvs Plockton and bay, yachts on water - men pulling skiff 'Seaflower' across beach, woman performs launching ceremony with bottle of Babycham - l/shots skiff sailing in bay - shots of dog climbing on to boat - shots of young woman in rowing boat and man in kayak - gvs of people in rowing boats and motor boat - shots from on board motor boat in bay, passing boats, c/u shots of passengers, seal in water - shots of families relaxing on rocks at water's edge - gvs water and rocks - shots of families on motor boat - gvs boats in bay and at shore, couple in canoe, people sailing skiffs around bay (6.28) gvs people swimming in bay, children playing at water's edge - l/shots of bay with skiffs under sail - shot of group of people chatting, man dressing up in kilt and walking towards water - l/s bay, woman and girls walking on hillside - l/s peninsula - gvs farmhouse and buildings, shots of older man and woman building haystacks in field by hand - c/u shots of various people gathered on village street, on shore and in boats (9.05) gvs of people dancing Eightsome Reel in street at Plockton, piper playing on shore - shots of family and friends on street, sitting watching dancing - shots of girl collecting for Royal National Lifeboat Institution, baby in pram, onlookers - more ceilidh dancing in street - shots from street level, piper, dancers and onlookers - l/s yacht in bay with bunting - shots of children in skiffs with painted sails - children rowing skiffs in bay, onlookers watching from shore - skiffs return to shore - shots of painted sails - gvs onlookers, children in boats - prizes presented to children - c/u shot of trophy (15.00) gvs of mailboat 'Loch Seaforth' at harbour, families gathered on board - shots of sheep being herded on board boat - shots of hawsers being released, boat departing from harbour - shots leaving Kyle of Lochalsh, passing castle - gvs from on deck, gulls, passing lighthouses, view through portholes - gvs from on deck approaching Stornoway - tying up at harbour, hawsers tied, gangplank up - shots of waiting crowds and passengers departing - street scene - gvs of Lews Castle, families visiting - brief shot of woman in mini skirt walking along street - gvs at Stornoway harbour (18.45) shots of bull on street at Plockton - gvs main street and residents - shots of skiffs being prepared for sailing - shots of families sailing in skiffs - shots of motor yacht passing - shots on board skiff - gvs Plockton village, people on main street, family preparing to depart - tracking shots from car along lochside - THE END (21.44)