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Reference number: 8483

Date: 1960c

Production company: [ Templar Film Studios]

Sound: mute

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 3.12 mins

Description: Workers at the Charles Connell & Co. shipyard in Scotstoun, Glasgow, including shots of a magnetic lifting beam and the bow section of a ship being fitted in place.

"The Connell company had been founded in 1861 initially to build sailing ships and remained in the family's hands, always run by a Charles Connell, until it became part of the government-owned Upper Clyde Shipbuilders in 1968. That consortium collapsed in 1971, leading to the famous "work-in" headed by shop stewards including Jimmy Reid and Jimmy Airlie. The Connell company name remained as part of Scotstoun Marine Ltd until 1980 when that, too, folded." [information from obituary of Charles Connell by Phil Davison and published in the Herald Scotland newspaper, 17th December 2015]

Shotlist: [no title] - gvs on shop floor of Charles Connell & Co. shipyard in Scotstoun, Glasgow: carpenters working on door, another working with circular saw, another sawing - c/u sign 'Polishing Shop' - two women polishing strips of beading - ext shot of magnetic beam lifting sheet metal - int shots: worker operating plant, painter spraying sheet metal, Paterson Hughes beam lifting sheet metal as directors look on - shot of worker marking off sheet metal with centre punch - shots of workers cutting and welding metal - pan from shop floor to ship on stocks outside - shots of completed bow section of ship being lifted out of shed by crane and lowered into position, guided by workers - shot of workman looking up at bow section in place with scaffolding surrounding - shot of shipyard gate with 'Charles Connell & Co.' above (3.12)