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Reference number: 8384

Date: 1969 / 1970

Director: [filmed by Dr James B B Baird]

Sound: sound

Original format: super 8mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 11.28 mins

Description: A promotional film for a luxury kennel at Briestonhill, West Calder, including footage of the kennel's facilities, users and extra services.

cataloguer's comment: Demonstrates an increased demand for pet care as a result of the increase in foreign holiday travel in the 1960s and 1970s.

Title preserved as part of an AHRC funded video preservation project in partnership with Glasgow University, entitled 'Children and Amateur Media in Scotland'.

Credits: comm. Brian Whitfield-Johns

Shotlist: title - credits - gvs Briestonhill, West Calder, Scotland's first domestic pet centre - gvs house and grounds, cats on lawn - shots of Hillman Hunter arriving, past sign 'Animals Please Drive Slowly' and 'Reception' - gvs kennels - shots in reception area as pet is brought in and forms signed - cat is taken to hutch in basket, then let out - gvs other cats in kennel area - shot of 'Kindergarten' kennel for cats with kittens - shots of pet owners getting into car and departing - shots of young girl riding pony along road, past Livingston new town boundary and herd of cattle in field - shots of girl and pony arriving at Briestonhill, pony in field (5.24) man arrives at Briestonhill in Volvo with poodle - bookings chart filled in - shots of dogs in kennels - shots of warden pouring out can of Guinness for large dog - shots of wardens taking bowls of food round kennels - shots of waste bin being removed from kennels (9.45) shots of warden constructing wooden pet flight case - cat is taken from kennel and placed in box, then taken away in Humber estate car for flight abroad - tracking shots along A8 towards Edinburgh Airport - BUA Cargo depot sign, airport car park and BEA cargo reception - shots of packages at terminal - shot of BEA aircraft taxiing - final shot of staff at Briestonhill - THE END (11.28)