THEIR SILVER YEAR: Cranhill Parish Church, Glasgow

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Title: THEIR SILVER YEAR: Cranhill Parish Church, Glasgow

Reference number: 8263

Date: 1978

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: Non-Fiction

Running time: 12.29 mins

Description: An amateur record of Cranhill Church in its Silver Anniversary year, 1978. Records everyday life in Cranhill and how the community connects with the church - through Girl's Brigade, Boy's Brigade, at primary school, or general meetings and celebrations.

See Cranhill Parish church website at [last accessed 08/02/2018]

Shotlist: [shotlisted from VHS, manual control track]

elevated shot over Glasgow cityscape, focus on Cranhill in foreground, lots of redevelopment underway roads dug up / buildings down etc (0.10) view over Cranhill housing estate [very fast editing jump cutting] gvs exts housing, high rise, streets, buses (0.34) c/u graffitti, broken bottles in a doorway (0.45) police car with policeman sitting inside and shot of it driving around corner, high rise in shot (13.39) shot of main road with cars, police van driving along (1.01) exts Cranhill Parish Church. c/u sign "Church of Scotland Cranhill Parish Church Minister Rev Robert J. Reid" and list of meeting times (1.20) title (1.35) people outside the church, dressed in Sunday best - mostly women (2.06) outside the Church gates, the Girls brigade perform a march past, the minister standing with others bearing flags (2.20) ints church service, hymns are sung, pan congregation including general and Girl's Brigade (3.11) minister gives flags to youngsters from the brigades (3.30) exts church, congregation exiting onto Bellrock Street / Bellrock Crescent (3.46) Girl's Brigade and Boy's Brigade marching along street past high rise flats and standing to have photo taken (4.06) members of the congregation (elders?) and the minister stand for photos on church steps (4.32) brief ints church, woman talking to minister over cup of tea. gvs minister sitting at desk [posed] reading bible, writing, using telephone (5.28) tracking shot street, Cranhill then approach to Glasgow City Centre along motorway (5.36) exts Glasgow Royal Infirmary (5.54) tracking shot from car leaving Glasgow on motorway and turn off for Cranhill (6.01) gvs street scenes, community scsnes Cranhill. people standing chatting on street, roads, houses (6.16) exts high rise flat. gvs street scenes, gvs children, house balcony (6.57) exts Queenslie Primary School. gvs children having lessons outdoors in playground. Reading books. Measuring with foot steps, playing games with ball (8.10) minister talking to children sitting in playground (8.19) ints school, minister takes assembly. Singing hymns, prayers, a boy does reading (9.14) ints a different classroom, where children have a service, sing hyms, pray and listen to minister (9.52) girls enjoy art class drawing and crafts (10.00) ints church hall girls choir (10.07) ints church hall girls brigade (?) or senior school girls march along, slowly, in uniform (10.16) youngsters show off their paintings / certificates to audience (10.32) girls in orange uniform / fancy dress march along hall, girls perform country dancing set squares (11.15) girls perform majorette routine, fancy dress performance (11.53) tracking shot from road - gvs Clyde shipyards (12.15) elevated view, slow pan R-L looking over housing, railway line in foreground, to tenements, to Erskine Bridge (12.50) tracking shot again - Clyde (12.56) drawing of lighthouse THE BEGINNING NOT THE END. LORD LET GLASGOW FLOURISH BY THE PREACHING OF THE WORD. JJ Films 16mm (14.08)