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Reference number: 8201

Date: 1910c - 1915c

Sound: silent

Original format: 35mm

Colour: bwtinted

Fiction: Non-Fiction

Running time: 6.00 mins

Description: Herring fishing at Yarmouth, showing the quayside teeming with life and workers taking a well-earned break. Includes Scottish fisher lassies hard at work cleaning, gutting and packing fish into barrels.

Original title missing.

Henry E. Fisher, film producer of 31Soho Square London, began collecting films in the 1920's. His collection of film from 1895 - 1920 - some several hundreds of reels was variously offered to NFA and other bodies in the second half of the twentieth century, but eventually ended up in the 1970's Bundesarchiv, Berlin. Ca 2004 it was transferred to IWM Film Archive London. SSA was offered first pick of materials relating to Scotland that appear in the collection after IWM had selected for their own preservation programme.

IWM ref 1208 / 258 - 2
Could possibly be HERRING HARVEST AT YARMOUTH p.c. Barker 1910.

Shotlist: [shotlisted from speed corrected tape, manual control track] title and opening sequences missing

(0.00) very brief shot fishing boat at sea, pull back to wider shot of various vessels at sea, some of these are steam powered (?) (0.40) girls waiting on shore on wooden platform [possibly another ship deck?] (0.51) IN THE CALM WATERS OF THE RIVER YARE boats approaching harbour, one is rowed in 'BF313'. In background, harbour wall lined with people (1.20) SCENES ON THE QUAY elevated shot over busy harbour, baskets piled up, in background can be seen lines of fishing boats at mooring, and people walking along quayside (1.53) gvs as people walk along quayside, including fishergirls walking arm in arm three or four abreast, men carrying baskets and chatting standing about smoking. Baskets of fish and boats in background. Three women walk along, knitting as they go (2.27) LANDING THE CATCH deck of boat, men haul baskets full of fish out of storage, pick fish and sort into baskets (2.53) at quayside, baskets of fish are lined up, men fill them with fish, horse looks on (3.15) THE SCOTCH LASSIES AT WORK. CLEANING. gvs same, by hand (3.43) A RECORD. EACH GIRL CLEANS 65 PER MINUTE gvs same (4.07) PACKING IN BRINE gvs as baskets full are brought over, the girls carry one basket between them (4.38) empty basket into barrels and pack with salt (5.30) CLOSING THE BARRELS 8 DAYS AFTER hammering the barrels shut, nailing them down, man walks on top of the barrels to help shut them over. There are barrels piled high behind them (5.46) SHIPPING TO THE BREAKFAST TABLES OF THE WORLD gvs as barrels are piled on quayside, looks like man is preparing hoisting rope to load onto ship (6.00) [incomplete]