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Title: SCOTTISH danceS

Reference number: 8199

Date: [ca. 1915]

Sound: silent

Original format: 35mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 6.26 mins

Description: Early footage of Scottish dancing at an unidentified location - possibly on a set. Includes sword dancing and the Highland Fling.

Please note further research is required to date and identify this film accurately.

Further information received February 2016: The piper who appears on the right side of the screen as one looks at it is likely G. Douglas Taylor, who was a pipe major and dancer, and who also wrote a book titled "Some Traditional Scottish dances" in 1929. [Note the National Library holds this book, see catalogue link at]

Shotlist: [shotlisted from speed corrected tape, manual control track]

(0.00) SCOTTISH danceS. gvs woman dancing the Seann Triubhas, two men playing bagpipes at either side. Open air. Looks like a theatrical set in background, castle and loch etc. (2.36) HIGHLAND FLING gvs same (4.14) SWORD dance. Gillie Cullum gvs same with sword dance (6.26)