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Reference number: 7824

Date: 2001

Director: d. Michael Keillor

Sponsor: [ Scottish Screen, Scottish Enterprise, Channel 4, Glasgow Film Office]

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 4.00 mins

Description: Music video produced for '4 Minute Wonders' scheme, featuring the track 'Latin Stroll' by Universal Principles. Join this young man on his carefree jog around a sunkissed Balearic paradise.... is he taking his training as seriously as he should?

Catalogued from secondary sources. Universal Principles are Glaswegians Stuart McMillan, Glenn Gibbons and Nick Peacock. Screened at 55th Edinburgh International Film Festival, 2001, part of the Mirrorball section 'Made in Scotland'.

Formed in Glasgow in 2000, 4 Minute Wonders was the first production support scheme in the world which aimed to encourage new filmmakers to produce music videos. Providing a boost to both local filmmaking talent and independent record companies, the scheme has been a huge success producing over a dozen films in Scotland, gathering award nominations and launching the careers of a new generation of directors. It has been so successful that sister schemes based on the same format have now started to appear in other parts of the world with 4MW Wales, 4MW South Australia and 4MW Victoria already producing promos, and there are plans to expand throughout the UK, the rest of Australia and into Europe in the near future. Sweden, the Basque region of Spain and Estonia are all already in negotiations with the scheme's organisers to host their own versions of 4MW. [Information from 57th Edinburgh International Film Festival Catalogue, 2003]

Credits: Track Latin Stroll
Artist Universal Principles