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1980 | col | sound
1980 | col | sound
1980 | col | sound
1980 | col | sound
1980 | col | sound

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Reference number: 6951

Date: 1980c

Sponsor: Scottish Health Education Unit with the co-operation of the Lothian Health Board.

Production company: Sidharta Films

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 17.21 mins

Description: Admission to hospital - the end of the line? By no means. The film demonstrates some behavioural problems commonly encountered in the elderly with mental disorders and outlines the general principles of management. Above all, the emphasis is on treating the patients as individuals, each with different problems.

The film is suitable for all levels of medical, paramedical staff, social and voluntary workers.

Accompanying documentation and notes can be consulted in the paper records of the National Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall, ref. 11/1/494 - these are for the series of four films. See also refs.4739, 6949 and 6950 for other titles in the series.

Credits: The producers would like to thank the Patients, Relatives and staff of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Edinburgh for their co-operation in making this film

[produced by SHEU in conjunction with Dr RA Robinson at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Edinburgh]

Shotlist: title LOSS OF FUNCTION Orientation, Memory, Intellect, Emotion, Social Skills, Language, Judgement, Perception. Loss of Control, Inactivity, Medical Condition, Depression, Insight, Drugs, Personality, Family (00:01:11:21) gvs elderly woman who wanders ceaslessly and energetically. Commentary discusses the reasons behind the problem (00:02:03:24) Identity problem i/v with lady who becomes gradually more aggressive during i/v (00:04:10:03) Identity problem loss of emotional control (00:04:32:17) i/v with an elderly man who has problem communicating - it appears he is 'talking rubbish' but careful exploration shows he understands more than apprant at first (00:06:26:01) Identity problem - Causes (00:06:32:17) medical staff gether round tabel to assess each patient on the Crichton Behavioural Rating Scale (Mobility, Orientation, Communication, Co-operation, Restlessness, Dressing, Feeding, Continence, Sleep, Mood - Subjective, Mood - Objective) (00:08:10:00) general discussion about how best to manage patients with confusion in a hospital setting. gvs general review meeting, invloving nursing staff, health visitors, occupational therapists, social workers, nursing staff who take a view of the long term future (00:10:09:10) MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES. Filling gaps, Pacing, Stimulate underused faculties, Avoid cause of disturbance, Substitue activities, Familiarity, Drugs these are discussed and illustrated (basic skills such as using cutlery, help with dressing, pacing, keeping a diary to aid memory, reminders of home and family, familiarity) gvs group discussions and general review meeting. The outcome being successful discharge from hospital and life in the community or stay in hospital with as enriched a life as possible. gvs celidh involving elderly patients and medical staff (00:17:05:17) ecs (00:17:21:07)